What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Midland "You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio. | |
The South | |
The West | |
The Inland North | |
Philadelphia | |
The Northeast | |
Boston | |
North Central | |
What American accent do you have?Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
This Blog will be my personal monologue of my thoughts feelings and experiences whenever the inspiration strikes feel free to join in on the conversation. Little bit about me, my name is Jared Lucas and I'm a 29 year old graduate of Carson-Newman College. I currently reside in West Columbia, SC with my wife Katie. I am in my last year of my MDIV in Christian Ministry at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
See I'm not a Yankee
Saturday, December 23, 2006
To Santa or Not to Santa
*Disclaimer* If you reading this post and have young children make sure they're not in the room. I wouldn't want to be responsible for tearing a gaping hole in the the fabric of your child's imagination.
Yes I know the title is obscure but it does include my p0int. There is group pseudo-pyshco people who hold to the notion that if you as a parent choose to do the "Santa Claus" thing with your children your encouraging the concept that lying is ok. I for one think these people are those who figured out that Santa wasn't real at like age 5 and as a result did not have a happy childhood. On the other hand there are group of evangelicals among us that think the concept of Santa is from the pit and should be eliminated at all costs.
Personally I believe in a healthy balance between the "True" reason for the season and the elements of gift giving and receiving from the mythical figure of Santa. Its just one of those fantasies that every child should have the opportunity to experience.
Hopefully for those of my readership I haven't destroyed your only remaining childhood fantasy. However I am curious what the over all opinion is. I'm curious those of my readership who don't have kids will do the "Santa Thing" with your kids?????
Yes I know the title is obscure but it does include my p0int. There is group pseudo-pyshco people who hold to the notion that if you as a parent choose to do the "Santa Claus" thing with your children your encouraging the concept that lying is ok. I for one think these people are those who figured out that Santa wasn't real at like age 5 and as a result did not have a happy childhood. On the other hand there are group of evangelicals among us that think the concept of Santa is from the pit and should be eliminated at all costs.
Personally I believe in a healthy balance between the "True" reason for the season and the elements of gift giving and receiving from the mythical figure of Santa. Its just one of those fantasies that every child should have the opportunity to experience.
Hopefully for those of my readership I haven't destroyed your only remaining childhood fantasy. However I am curious what the over all opinion is. I'm curious those of my readership who don't have kids will do the "Santa Thing" with your kids?????
Friday, December 22, 2006
Christmas Wishes
Greetings....from Wake Forest and the return from the semi-annual brain drain known as the end of the semester @ seminary. The end of the semester was rough I knew what I had to do to just pass my classes so far I've passed all my classes not like I would have wanted to but passing is passing and now I know better.
I really learned that seminary is in fact tough and intensive. To all undergrad religion majors that may happen upon my blog who are planning on going to seminary for graduate school don't think that just because you've had religion classes means that seminary will come any easier. The answer is yes and no yes the material will be familiar and no the classes are still challenging.
Not all is dreary...in the beginning I was hired at UPS as a seasonal temporary worker as of Weds night I was informed that I'm being retained as a permanent employee. So I'm really encouraged by that knowing I no longer have to stress about what was an uncertain.
Looking forward to the New Year and new blogging fodder to explore.
Wishing You and Yours a Very Merry Christmas!
I really learned that seminary is in fact tough and intensive. To all undergrad religion majors that may happen upon my blog who are planning on going to seminary for graduate school don't think that just because you've had religion classes means that seminary will come any easier. The answer is yes and no yes the material will be familiar and no the classes are still challenging.
Not all is dreary...in the beginning I was hired at UPS as a seasonal temporary worker as of Weds night I was informed that I'm being retained as a permanent employee. So I'm really encouraged by that knowing I no longer have to stress about what was an uncertain.
Looking forward to the New Year and new blogging fodder to explore.
Wishing You and Yours a Very Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 08, 2006
!!!!!Future Tourist Attraction Alert!!!!!
Just like the garden tomb in Jerusalem is more a tourist attraction/trap. Yet another potential one is in the works.
Check this article out apparently archaeologists have stumbled upon the possible remains of the Apostle Paul???
Check this article out apparently archaeologists have stumbled upon the possible remains of the Apostle Paul???
Thursday, December 07, 2006
A respid of sorts
Hey guys and gals of the blogsphere.....finals are gearing up here @ Southeastern so I'll definitely occupied to doing that.
Be back after my brain cramming and draining
Be back after my brain cramming and draining
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Satisfaction Saturday
Kentucky 63, UNC 75
I as many of my blogging compatriots don't usually post on the weekends. Now with College Football on hiatus until the last weeks in Dec and the first in Jan; All eyes will shift to the 2nd greatest sport and that is college basketball and the greatest conference the ACC. You SEC types haven't got anything on us.
Two Words:
GO HEELS!!!!!!
I as many of my blogging compatriots don't usually post on the weekends. Now with College Football on hiatus until the last weeks in Dec and the first in Jan; All eyes will shift to the 2nd greatest sport and that is college basketball and the greatest conference the ACC. You SEC types haven't got anything on us.
Two Words:
GO HEELS!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Mein Kampf pt. 2
I appreciate all the wise words that have been given so far. I'm reminded of what it says in the book of James:
Consider it pure joy my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds, cause you know that the testing faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
I can say with confidence that I believe that the enemy will manifest a multitude of feelings and make you say almost anything in an effort to convince and defeat you. This is a trial something that I'm not comfortable with. Although the majority of people my age are already living on their own. I on the other hand could live close to home for the rest of my life and be perfectly content.
This matter is not settled yet I'm in the process of preparing to go before the Lord and seek his answer. whether it be leave or stay.
Consider it pure joy my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds, cause you know that the testing faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
I can say with confidence that I believe that the enemy will manifest a multitude of feelings and make you say almost anything in an effort to convince and defeat you. This is a trial something that I'm not comfortable with. Although the majority of people my age are already living on their own. I on the other hand could live close to home for the rest of my life and be perfectly content.
This matter is not settled yet I'm in the process of preparing to go before the Lord and seek his answer. whether it be leave or stay.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Mein Kampf
If you know German you know what that means if not it means my struggle. I'm a sinner saved I know it I'm confident of it.
I don't know that I've ever had such a hard time these past few days, weeks and months here at seminary. Both times in driving back to Wake Forest I've been completely beside myself overwhelmed in tears. I know that to walk in the will of God can be at times a struggle times but is it supposed this "hard." My fear is that my call to ministry was nothing more than a way to get attention at church camp.
I welcome all the counsel that is out there from my comrades in arms in the blogsphere. For me right now it seems that my prayers go no further that the ceiling tiles. Nothing seems to make sense for me anymore.
I don't know that I've ever had such a hard time these past few days, weeks and months here at seminary. Both times in driving back to Wake Forest I've been completely beside myself overwhelmed in tears. I know that to walk in the will of God can be at times a struggle times but is it supposed this "hard." My fear is that my call to ministry was nothing more than a way to get attention at church camp.
I welcome all the counsel that is out there from my comrades in arms in the blogsphere. For me right now it seems that my prayers go no further that the ceiling tiles. Nothing seems to make sense for me anymore.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Return of the Scotsman
Well I've returned mentally beaten and bruised my absence from the blogsphere has been...yes from writing my first major exegesis. All I can say at this moment is I did it. Its no earth shattering theological work. In fact there is more scholarly notes in it almost to the point of feeling guilty. I cited and gave credit were credit was due but still felt like I should have had more to say. I can say that when I was done typing my brain felt empty.
In reading Mark Driscoll's blog I see the [JV Catholics(Episcopals) as my Grandfather referred to them as] have slipped one more step towards complacency and apathy in electing their first women bishop to preside over the church as a whole. Not to mention one who condones homosexuality as a accepted practice. Who says in an article that: She believes the church should ordain gays and bless same-sex couples, though she insists she won't impose her views on others.
Excuse me but what form of the scriptures does she read from?????
Where have all the male leaders of the church gone???.....fishing perhaps...and not for men...methinks?
In reading Mark Driscoll's blog I see the [JV Catholics(Episcopals) as my Grandfather referred to them as] have slipped one more step towards complacency and apathy in electing their first women bishop to preside over the church as a whole. Not to mention one who condones homosexuality as a accepted practice. Who says in an article that: She believes the church should ordain gays and bless same-sex couples, though she insists she won't impose her views on others.
Excuse me but what form of the scriptures does she read from?????
Where have all the male leaders of the church gone???.....fishing perhaps...and not for men...methinks?
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
rekindling the fire
I title this post as it describes my situation and my current state of being. I know those you who read my chronicle will say didn't you post something to the effect of a "turning point" I must be honest and say that even as I wrote that I was keeping something back. That something was a habitual sin almost an addiction of sorts. As of last week I put it out of my life now and with God's help for good.
Having that in my life and not fully acknowledging it (even worse consciously doing it) made my life one big bowl of slime. I honestly felt dirty and unworthy to call myself a child of the one true God. This all came upon me by listening to words of John Piper as he was progressing through a study of Romans.
That is where I am at the moment. Another failing in me is for the longest time my journey so far here at seminary has been one of "look at me, I'm going to be a pastor" I must remember that this will never be about me
I won't post my prayer requests in this forum, but if you'd like to know what to pray about for just comment indicating and I'll be glad to tell.
I must adamantly recommend John Piper his daily podcast is on iTunes or through the link above.
Having that in my life and not fully acknowledging it (even worse consciously doing it) made my life one big bowl of slime. I honestly felt dirty and unworthy to call myself a child of the one true God. This all came upon me by listening to words of John Piper as he was progressing through a study of Romans.
That is where I am at the moment. Another failing in me is for the longest time my journey so far here at seminary has been one of "look at me, I'm going to be a pastor" I must remember that this will never be about me
I won't post my prayer requests in this forum, but if you'd like to know what to pray about for just comment indicating and I'll be glad to tell.
I must adamantly recommend John Piper his daily podcast is on iTunes or through the link above.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
A Change of Season......
With a brief winter's chill in the morning air it is more than apparent that Fall is in full swing with winter not far behind. Its mornings and evening like these that remind me of my college days although not so far behind me they feel like a distant memory. Nights spent walking upon cherokee damn sometimes in deep theological discussion other times about nothing at, simply what was bugging me and how I was dealing with it.
Sometimes I wish I could rewind my life and have it to do all over again with the same experiences, the same friends, and everything in between; but then I snap back in to the here and now and realize all the responsibilites that lay before me.
but it's hard to stay mad, when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst... And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain
- American Beauty
Sometimes I wish I could rewind my life and have it to do all over again with the same experiences, the same friends, and everything in between; but then I snap back in to the here and now and realize all the responsibilites that lay before me.
but it's hard to stay mad, when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst... And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain
- American Beauty
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Watch for Flying Grey Matter
Well after my first round of tests came back with no favorable grades on them I've reasserted myself with the appropriate mentoring and accountability; and I'm now faithfully reading the assigned text as called for.
Wouldn't know the results of quizzes and that right come with grades like 90's and 96's and 100's even. Its amazing what you can happen when your faithful to study. I digress...the title of this post has to do with my Church History class. It is very engaging* and I'm learning and hearing alot in that class. right now we are at about the 4th Century or so right around the time of the Arian(not the neo-Nazi's) Controversy and the Council of Nicea and that stuff. Its simply amazing what the Early Christian's concerns were over. I mean today some our biggest concerns are Do members really have to park off-campus and ride the shuttle to church allowing visitors come??
I mean just think about actually debating whether or not the Jesus you called Savior was He of the Father(the term: Homoousios meaning same substance for all you non-greek peeps) or something else. Its so much at times I feel like my little naive baptist mind is going to explode. (hence the title)
Hope everyone is well I must apologize to the blogsphere for my the posts I had on here recently they were done out of frustration and God was really working on me and I was fighting him tooth and nail as I tend to usually and we all know what happens when you fight against God. So I'm starting a book study of James if anyone wants to join me in a dialogue about it not it will be Good just the same.
* I say engaging yet I've yet to engage I'm just taking it all in still. Sometimes it makes me wonder whether or not I comprehend it cause I'm not asking questions.; and yet still it could be arrogance for not asking questions.
Wouldn't know the results of quizzes and that right come with grades like 90's and 96's and 100's even. Its amazing what you can happen when your faithful to study. I digress...the title of this post has to do with my Church History class. It is very engaging* and I'm learning and hearing alot in that class. right now we are at about the 4th Century or so right around the time of the Arian(not the neo-Nazi's) Controversy and the Council of Nicea and that stuff. Its simply amazing what the Early Christian's concerns were over. I mean today some our biggest concerns are Do members really have to park off-campus and ride the shuttle to church allowing visitors come??
I mean just think about actually debating whether or not the Jesus you called Savior was He of the Father(the term: Homoousios meaning same substance for all you non-greek peeps) or something else. Its so much at times I feel like my little naive baptist mind is going to explode. (hence the title)
Hope everyone is well I must apologize to the blogsphere for my the posts I had on here recently they were done out of frustration and God was really working on me and I was fighting him tooth and nail as I tend to usually and we all know what happens when you fight against God. So I'm starting a book study of James if anyone wants to join me in a dialogue about it not it will be Good just the same.
* I say engaging yet I've yet to engage I'm just taking it all in still. Sometimes it makes me wonder whether or not I comprehend it cause I'm not asking questions.; and yet still it could be arrogance for not asking questions.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
A New Revelation
I'm taking Hermenutics this my first semester and already I'm gaining more confidence in my ability to take a passage and and really get into the meat and bones of the passage. As it is called "finding the seams" the natural flow of the passage. This in turn proves that I'm capable of being a pastor. I'v been battling this for a long time and I attribute it to Satan trying ot defeat a potential good weapon in me (I hope that doesn't sound conceited) if it does it is not intended to be.
As apart of my reading for this class I'm reading "Living By The Book" by Howard G. Hendricks and giant in the field of Hermenutics. One thing this book has convicted me of is my failure to really study the bible and examine the scripture for deep meaning.
I'm guilty of distorting the text for all it worth making it say what I want it say so that I can condone my behavior or rather past behaviors. Scripture has but one interpretation and many applications.
Call this what what you will....I call it sort of a confession
And for something totally different(allusion to Monty Python)
Church History Question for Discussion:
Do you think Constantine was really convertered????
I say he wasn't cause if was genuinely converted to Christianity he would see that it was impossible to continue with the pagan worship. according to scripture.
As apart of my reading for this class I'm reading "Living By The Book" by Howard G. Hendricks and giant in the field of Hermenutics. One thing this book has convicted me of is my failure to really study the bible and examine the scripture for deep meaning.
I'm guilty of distorting the text for all it worth making it say what I want it say so that I can condone my behavior or rather past behaviors. Scripture has but one interpretation and many applications.
Call this what what you will....I call it sort of a confession
And for something totally different(allusion to Monty Python)
Church History Question for Discussion:
Do you think Constantine was really convertered????
I say he wasn't cause if was genuinely converted to Christianity he would see that it was impossible to continue with the pagan worship. according to scripture.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
This For Now......
It's not much but I promise within the close of the week I'll have something to put I'm currently stewing over what I'm gonna offer up for discussion.
But, for now I must say that I felt like an accomplished musician yesterday to turn on the local classical station here in Wake Forest which is WCPE 89.7 and hear them playing Gustav Holst's: First Suite for Miltary Band in E Flat.
But, for now I must say that I felt like an accomplished musician yesterday to turn on the local classical station here in Wake Forest which is WCPE 89.7 and hear them playing Gustav Holst's: First Suite for Miltary Band in E Flat.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
New Beginnings
I've recently as of a few hours ago switched to the new beta of Blogger with the switch all of the links of my highly visited blogs and pages went bye bye.
so....if you once held a spot on The CrazyScotsman and don't see your name and site please leave me a comment with the appropriate info and I'll be sure to post it.
In addition those who frequent my site that have a new or interesting site that you think I should list please submit it.
I'll take the first 30 (if I get that many) beacause I'm wanting to limit the amount scrolling you have to do on my page.
so....if you once held a spot on The CrazyScotsman and don't see your name and site please leave me a comment with the appropriate info and I'll be sure to post it.
In addition those who frequent my site that have a new or interesting site that you think I should list please submit it.
I'll take the first 30 (if I get that many) beacause I'm wanting to limit the amount scrolling you have to do on my page.
Things Going On
Hey everyone....just dropping in to give you all an update. Things are going well starting to learn the ins and outs of my new job. God was really smiling on me the way things have been arranged I'm working in the lowest stress area of the the entire Hub. For those you who don't know and I'm not sure that I mentioned this but I recently landed a job working for UPS. At any rate the biggest thing where I'm working is being accurate and making sure that right packages go in the right bags headed for the right city. At the moment I'm considered a seasonal worker, but from the sounds of if you do a good job and perform well there's almost no down time between Christmas time and getting called back to work as a permanent employee. As far as I'm conerned until a "church job" comes my way I plan on staying with UPS I mean how many people can say that they work part-time and they get full health benefits.
I'm enjoying a break from school...apparently SBC still has a college mentality to it in that we are on "Fall Break" I feel like I just started and we're already on a break; then again its not really a break cause its definently implied that you work during the break.
I'm enjoying a break from school...apparently SBC still has a college mentality to it in that we are on "Fall Break" I feel like I just started and we're already on a break; then again its not really a break cause its definently implied that you work during the break.
Monday, September 25, 2006
College Pranks
After an invigorating discussion about my previous post I aimed to bring some humor back into the mix here @ The CrazyScotsman.
This video is from a group who attends the University of Michigan. In my honest opinion and I'm one who is capable of some pretty elaborate pranks. This is by far the most original way to interrupt Lecture class
The Video
The Site
This video is from a group who attends the University of Michigan. In my honest opinion and I'm one who is capable of some pretty elaborate pranks. This is by far the most original way to interrupt Lecture class
The Video
The Site
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
"Just a spoonful of Calvinism makes the medicine go down"
Here in recent days the topics of John Calvin and Martin Luther have come up and have been discussed. Martin Luther I always enjoyed to discussing because he is essentially the father of the protestant stream of of faith. I always shyed away from John Calvin and his theories because the first thing you think about when his name comes up is the idea of predestination; and how some are chosen to spend eternity in heaven and then others are destined to go the hell.
Upon further study I find myself to be a 3 point Calvinist of which is there is a possibility of being a 5 point Calvinist. I believe that in total depravity that man cannot save himself. I believe in unconditional election in that going to be with God is not based on foreseen virtue, merit, or faith but on God's mercy alone. Finally I believe in perserverance of the saints simply put once saved you can't lose your salvation regardless of what may happen.
It's funny how assumptions about a controversial theory can shape or thinking/attitude. This post has along links using the gi-normous resource of Wikipedia. There's alot here to be explored.
I can really feel the pressure, we starting to near the end of the first third of semester and we all know what that means.....Tests,exams.....ugh!! My prayer request would be that God grant me the ability to be a better manager of my time.
Grace, Peace, and Coffee
*My hope this generates more traffic my way and whole lot more discussion via my comments*
nudge nudge...wink wink
Upon further study I find myself to be a 3 point Calvinist of which is there is a possibility of being a 5 point Calvinist. I believe that in total depravity that man cannot save himself. I believe in unconditional election in that going to be with God is not based on foreseen virtue, merit, or faith but on God's mercy alone. Finally I believe in perserverance of the saints simply put once saved you can't lose your salvation regardless of what may happen.
It's funny how assumptions about a controversial theory can shape or thinking/attitude. This post has along links using the gi-normous resource of Wikipedia. There's alot here to be explored.
I can really feel the pressure, we starting to near the end of the first third of semester and we all know what that means.....Tests,exams.....ugh!! My prayer request would be that God grant me the ability to be a better manager of my time.
Grace, Peace, and Coffee
*My hope this generates more traffic my way and whole lot more discussion via my comments*
nudge nudge...wink wink
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
In the News
Well totally un-expected to this blogger was the newsheadline that The Croc Hunter had died due to an accident involving a Stingray. In all the times I watched his show I always had feeling that he would meet his maker involving getting too close to one of those dangerous animals. He was a man who loved what he did and live every minute to the fullest. He will be missed by many. My prayers and thoughts go out to his wife and his two young children.
On a lighter note....We saw the University of Tennessee(Go Vols!!!!) hit the ground running this season taking the Golden Bears of California to task 35-18. This due in part to the return of this man. I was able to take in the game this past weekend from the comforts of home that being Knoxville, TN due part to the labor-day weekend.

With the weekend being over it will be back to hitting the books. I start my job this week as well which is going to be challenge for me before I even start. I'm worried about being able to work enough to pay for my expenses and having enough time left over to study and succeed in school.
Grace, Peace, and Starbucks
On a lighter note....We saw the University of Tennessee(Go Vols!!!!) hit the ground running this season taking the Golden Bears of California to task 35-18. This due in part to the return of this man. I was able to take in the game this past weekend from the comforts of home that being Knoxville, TN due part to the labor-day weekend.

With the weekend being over it will be back to hitting the books. I start my job this week as well which is going to be challenge for me before I even start. I'm worried about being able to work enough to pay for my expenses and having enough time left over to study and succeed in school.
Grace, Peace, and Starbucks
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
A Turning Point
Last night was turning point in my journey of faith so far. I was in my quiet time(something I haven't been able to say in a long time) the scripture was Luke 11:1 where Jesus' disciples approach Jesus asking him to teach them to pray. Jesus there afterwards gives them a model prayer also known as the Lord's Prayer.
As I read the scripture I felt this spirit come over me and really sink in and for the first time in a long time the words of scripture actually had a deeper meaning than just words on a page. It was at this point that God convicted me of things in my life that were displeasing to him(better said I finally came to terms or acknowledged what God had already convicted me of much earlier instead of causually sweeping in under the metaphorical rug). I nailed it to the cross and gave it to proceeded to do what I need to do to make sure that the habitual sin that was in my life could never happen again. My heart was drawn to Psalm 51 which I read and was reminded of what it was like for me in High School. After reading through the psalm several times as a sort of prayer I felt restored in my faith and so much closer to God.
As result the music and the message in chapel resonated in my heart more deeply and with more meaning than they have ever before.
Now for something a on sort of a comical note, Does it say in the Word that God considers it more righteous if you dress in coat and tie for seminary class. I know that's not true and the gentlemen I see might have a viable reason for being dressed this way.
I just thought I would insert in here for some funny feedback and thoughts that sure to come.
Grace, Peace, and Chai <><
As I read the scripture I felt this spirit come over me and really sink in and for the first time in a long time the words of scripture actually had a deeper meaning than just words on a page. It was at this point that God convicted me of things in my life that were displeasing to him(better said I finally came to terms or acknowledged what God had already convicted me of much earlier instead of causually sweeping in under the metaphorical rug). I nailed it to the cross and gave it to proceeded to do what I need to do to make sure that the habitual sin that was in my life could never happen again. My heart was drawn to Psalm 51 which I read and was reminded of what it was like for me in High School. After reading through the psalm several times as a sort of prayer I felt restored in my faith and so much closer to God.
As result the music and the message in chapel resonated in my heart more deeply and with more meaning than they have ever before.
Now for something a on sort of a comical note, Does it say in the Word that God considers it more righteous if you dress in coat and tie for seminary class. I know that's not true and the gentlemen I see might have a viable reason for being dressed this way.
I just thought I would insert in here for some funny feedback and thoughts that sure to come.
Grace, Peace, and Chai <><
Monday, August 21, 2006
Knowledge by the truckload
Officially I've met all my classes at least once, but through the reading assigned for those classes I've already been exposed to probably the equivalent of the knowledge and information that I got in the one semester's worth at CN. It's simply amazing at how in-depth we've already plunged.
I'm currently reading and now recommend this book "Reinventing Jesus" by Ed Komoszewski. If you ever wanted to really dig into how we got what we now hold in our hand as the Bible this is the book for you. It also spends a great deal in discussing and defending against the views and opinions that say the the bible is not reliable and can't be trust as a complete document.
Thanks so much for your prayers I'm not starting to meet alteast some other people and I no longer feel like I have no one down here to call friend.
Still struggling to get my daily quiet time back on track so continued prayer for me in that regard although a welcome gift came in the mail over the weekend in the form of Oswald Chamber's My Utmost for his Highest.
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
3 John 1:2
Until next time.
Grace and Peace and Chai <><
I'm currently reading and now recommend this book "Reinventing Jesus" by Ed Komoszewski. If you ever wanted to really dig into how we got what we now hold in our hand as the Bible this is the book for you. It also spends a great deal in discussing and defending against the views and opinions that say the the bible is not reliable and can't be trust as a complete document.
Thanks so much for your prayers I'm not starting to meet alteast some other people and I no longer feel like I have no one down here to call friend.
Still struggling to get my daily quiet time back on track so continued prayer for me in that regard although a welcome gift came in the mail over the weekend in the form of Oswald Chamber's My Utmost for his Highest.
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
3 John 1:2
Until next time.
Grace and Peace and Chai <><
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Let the Games Begin
No games here just thought it would be a catchy title. Tomorrow I embark on a 3 year(lord willing) journey of seminary training. It's little surreal that I'm finally here.
I'm finally feeling good about this place a week ago when I had nothing do and it was just me and my movies I felt anything but good. Why you may ask, I was the perfect target and the adversary came at me with every thing he had in his arsenal, putting feeling of doubt and trepidation in my mind. I was reminded of the passage in Romans: For we know that that in all things God works for the good of those who love him and who have been called according to his purpsoe Rm. 8:28
So with that I just told the devil to shut up and get behind me. I would ask every who follows this chronicle to please be in prayer for me. Please pray that I will avail myself of every oportunity to excel academically, that I will use my time wisely, and that my walk with God will only grow closer for having been in this place.
I welcome your comments, your thoughts, and your feelings.
Until next time,
Grace and Peace and Chai. <><
I'm finally feeling good about this place a week ago when I had nothing do and it was just me and my movies I felt anything but good. Why you may ask, I was the perfect target and the adversary came at me with every thing he had in his arsenal, putting feeling of doubt and trepidation in my mind. I was reminded of the passage in Romans: For we know that that in all things God works for the good of those who love him and who have been called according to his purpsoe Rm. 8:28
So with that I just told the devil to shut up and get behind me. I would ask every who follows this chronicle to please be in prayer for me. Please pray that I will avail myself of every oportunity to excel academically, that I will use my time wisely, and that my walk with God will only grow closer for having been in this place.
I welcome your comments, your thoughts, and your feelings.
Until next time,
Grace and Peace and Chai. <><
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
We're Here......
To steal a line from Poltrigeist. I have arrived in Wake Forest, NC more specifically Southeastern. I have to say that I've come to a crossroads in my life where its either going to be a consistent and genuine walk with my LORD or dare I say a continued existence of "playing church." To which was said that if I was to continue as Southeastern would not happen because of what would be required of me.
It was spiritual warefare at its greatest yesterday I felt like I couldn't do this and I wanted to go home to what I knew and forget that I was ever called to ministry. Sitting in the director of admissions office with my parents the enemy was manufacturing every excuse he could that would in turn put me in my car headed back to Knoxville. I finally just sucked it up and said with as much confidence as I could muster that I was staying and sticking it out now whether that means I stay for a semester or for the entire time that I'm here remains to be seen.
I must say the lowest point was following my parents out of complex that I'm living in and seeing them go one direction and I go the other way. I will be painfully honest I cried and I still feel bad with regard that I'm on my own with regard to not having parents less than an hour away which was the case with me being at Carson Newman. My roommates are awesome guys who are helping me to get settled in and I know that they know exactly what I'm feeling cause they were once there.
I can once again resume my role as a movie junky cause I have absolutely nothing do for about a week cause orientation starts next week and then eventually classes.
It was spiritual warefare at its greatest yesterday I felt like I couldn't do this and I wanted to go home to what I knew and forget that I was ever called to ministry. Sitting in the director of admissions office with my parents the enemy was manufacturing every excuse he could that would in turn put me in my car headed back to Knoxville. I finally just sucked it up and said with as much confidence as I could muster that I was staying and sticking it out now whether that means I stay for a semester or for the entire time that I'm here remains to be seen.
I must say the lowest point was following my parents out of complex that I'm living in and seeing them go one direction and I go the other way. I will be painfully honest I cried and I still feel bad with regard that I'm on my own with regard to not having parents less than an hour away which was the case with me being at Carson Newman. My roommates are awesome guys who are helping me to get settled in and I know that they know exactly what I'm feeling cause they were once there.
I can once again resume my role as a movie junky cause I have absolutely nothing do for about a week cause orientation starts next week and then eventually classes.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Hidden Wisdom
It's funny where God can teach you things. You know I've grown up believing that God's is heard best when we are still and quiet at study or just sitting around. A word tonight came sitting in a dark movie theatre watching the most recent Adam Sandler movie Click God's word was don't take things for granted. I watched as Adam Sandler's character fast-forwarded his life to only live out the good times, but when his life got away from him and out of his control all he had was regret.
Driving home I thought; what have a I just taken as given each and everyday? For starters: My Family; my parents each and everyday I come home and just know/expect them to be there to have dinner or whatever ready for me. My brother to always have something to brighten my day when I'm not feeling my best. It occurred to me that in a instant all that could be gone. My friends, although are just a phone call/e-mail/letter away (whipple...haha) could be taken from me in a flash.
But I take comfort knowing that I have Savior that despite something like that happening would never leave me nor forsake me. So listen up God always speaks through his word but he's very creative and can speak through anything.
Grace and Peace, and Chai
Driving home I thought; what have a I just taken as given each and everyday? For starters: My Family; my parents each and everyday I come home and just know/expect them to be there to have dinner or whatever ready for me. My brother to always have something to brighten my day when I'm not feeling my best. It occurred to me that in a instant all that could be gone. My friends, although are just a phone call/e-mail/letter away (whipple...haha) could be taken from me in a flash.
But I take comfort knowing that I have Savior that despite something like that happening would never leave me nor forsake me. So listen up God always speaks through his word but he's very creative and can speak through anything.
Grace and Peace, and Chai
Monday, July 24, 2006
2 Weeks and Counting....
Bloggers everywhere I'm sure are ashamed of me especially Adam and Whipple in my ineptness to keep my blog current and up to date.
Tomorrow will essentially mark my final week working for Marble Slab @ Turkey Creek. It has been a good job but not without its frustrations and stresses. From there I look forward towards Wake Forest and Southeastern. At least I keep telling myself that hoping to convince myself if not already there. I do admit a little amount of trepidation but I just remember my first year at Carson-Newman and how I sat in my room and cried feeling like I was all alone in the world. Which brings me to my next point. Today I heard probably the best sermon that I have heard in a long long time. It was given in earnest by our upcoming Pastor Phillip Martin who eventually will fill the pulpit of Concord when Dr. Sager finally steps down. The words pierced my heart like a like an arrow and literally slapped me in the face at the same time.
sitting there in that room it finally made sense why I was so worried about moving here in a couple of weeks. My dependency was on myself and and not fully on God. I had it in me that I could do it myself. Like so many times before and this seems to be a lesson that God and I seem to revert back to is that I need him and apart from Him I can do nothing.
If you have some free time this week or even after reading this go and listen and or watch this sermon and see if it doesn't touch you in the same way it did me. Maybe it will or maybe God has a different word for wrapped up in it. God says some many things to some many people just through one message I've come to learn in 24 years of life.
Tomorrow will essentially mark my final week working for Marble Slab @ Turkey Creek. It has been a good job but not without its frustrations and stresses. From there I look forward towards Wake Forest and Southeastern. At least I keep telling myself that hoping to convince myself if not already there. I do admit a little amount of trepidation but I just remember my first year at Carson-Newman and how I sat in my room and cried feeling like I was all alone in the world. Which brings me to my next point. Today I heard probably the best sermon that I have heard in a long long time. It was given in earnest by our upcoming Pastor Phillip Martin who eventually will fill the pulpit of Concord when Dr. Sager finally steps down. The words pierced my heart like a like an arrow and literally slapped me in the face at the same time.
sitting there in that room it finally made sense why I was so worried about moving here in a couple of weeks. My dependency was on myself and and not fully on God. I had it in me that I could do it myself. Like so many times before and this seems to be a lesson that God and I seem to revert back to is that I need him and apart from Him I can do nothing.
If you have some free time this week or even after reading this go and listen and or watch this sermon and see if it doesn't touch you in the same way it did me. Maybe it will or maybe God has a different word for wrapped up in it. God says some many things to some many people just through one message I've come to learn in 24 years of life.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Rekindling an Old Habit
Late night with nothing do but watch movies,TV, or what not I decided to sift through my college stuff and pulled out the old pipe and tobacco(suprisingly still fresh) and sat out on my back deck and took in the night air mixed with the aroma of straight virginia blended tobacco. I find pipe smoking to be relaxing and great way to spend the evening even better with a cup of joe...it has to be the right cup of joe though I find.
It's been awhile since my last post I'm finding that I have a good streak in me every once in awhile and then I slack off and don't say anything for about a month. A few things have happen in the past fews days I've recently gotten my housing assignment for Southeastern. As I move closer and closer to month of August I find myself more and more confident about going. My attitude is that it's been long enough it time to get back into my role as a student. Though in a sense you never stop being student there is always something to learn be it from God's word or in life.
I find myself as of late getting back into following one of my favorite sports again, that being baseball and my team the Atlanta Braves who are having a rough go of it so far this season current 14.5 games back. Lo and behold I was watching higlight tapes of old season's and I watched as the braves came back to win the Western division(old highlight tapes) from 10 and 11 games back and with the 14th consectutive division title in doubt I know the braves are capable of pulling it off but we'll have wait and see.
thats all for now.
Grace and Peace <><
It's been awhile since my last post I'm finding that I have a good streak in me every once in awhile and then I slack off and don't say anything for about a month. A few things have happen in the past fews days I've recently gotten my housing assignment for Southeastern. As I move closer and closer to month of August I find myself more and more confident about going. My attitude is that it's been long enough it time to get back into my role as a student. Though in a sense you never stop being student there is always something to learn be it from God's word or in life.
I find myself as of late getting back into following one of my favorite sports again, that being baseball and my team the Atlanta Braves who are having a rough go of it so far this season current 14.5 games back. Lo and behold I was watching higlight tapes of old season's and I watched as the braves came back to win the Western division(old highlight tapes) from 10 and 11 games back and with the 14th consectutive division title in doubt I know the braves are capable of pulling it off but we'll have wait and see.
thats all for now.
Grace and Peace <><
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Getting Closer pt. 2
At the request of friend and fellow blogger adam I figure those who have been following my journey so far since my graduation from CNC. I decided to take a brief sebatacle from being a student instead of starting my seminary training right away. I'm gonna use the next few blog posts to stew over things that I've learned during my one year respid.
I've learn over the past 10 months that there is no such thing as a perfect job. I've been working in what pop culture calls the "real world" dealing with the general public on a day to day basis. Each and everyday I'm faced with challenges that I have either conquer or be conquered by. This has made me realize that I will face the same thing in the ministry field. By working in the regular world for a brief time has enabled me to learn and observe how I react to times of difficulty as I mentioned and make mental notes so that I will be better prepared when they present themselves in the ministry field.
I find it funny how things work sometimes. I think it has finally occured to my Mom that both My brother and I will be moving away; college for my brother and as you all know seminary for me. My mom mentioned to me in passing the other day that if I had any reservations about going Southeastern she said, " You know you can always find a place to live around here and go to Southern Seminary at Maryville College."
with that I will close out this edition stay tuned for more installments.
Grace and Peace <><
I've learn over the past 10 months that there is no such thing as a perfect job. I've been working in what pop culture calls the "real world" dealing with the general public on a day to day basis. Each and everyday I'm faced with challenges that I have either conquer or be conquered by. This has made me realize that I will face the same thing in the ministry field. By working in the regular world for a brief time has enabled me to learn and observe how I react to times of difficulty as I mentioned and make mental notes so that I will be better prepared when they present themselves in the ministry field.
I find it funny how things work sometimes. I think it has finally occured to my Mom that both My brother and I will be moving away; college for my brother and as you all know seminary for me. My mom mentioned to me in passing the other day that if I had any reservations about going Southeastern she said, " You know you can always find a place to live around here and go to Southern Seminary at Maryville College."
with that I will close out this edition stay tuned for more installments.
Grace and Peace <><
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Getting Closer pt. 1
At the request of friend and fellow blogger adam I figure those who have been following my journey so far since my graduation from CNC. I decided to take a brief sebatacle from being a student instead of starting my seminary training right away. I'm gonna use the next few blog posts to stew over things that I've learned during my one year respid.
I can say at this point I think I made the right decision I don't think that I was in any way prepared to enter into the living on your own supporting oneself life. During my year off I've been able to finally realize that you must treasure and spend wisely every dollar you make, cause once its gone you gotta wait that 1 week, 2 weeks, and even maybe month for that next paycheck to come around. Fortunately for me my current job has a bi-weekly pay method (ha ha ha).
One thing I've learned is that despite all the things you say upon graduation such as: that you promise to stay in touch and to hang out every once in awhile. I've learned that maintaining those tight knit college friendships that you made become very hard to keep.
thus it has made me aware of the importance of a simple email,phone call.
I can say at this point I think I made the right decision I don't think that I was in any way prepared to enter into the living on your own supporting oneself life. During my year off I've been able to finally realize that you must treasure and spend wisely every dollar you make, cause once its gone you gotta wait that 1 week, 2 weeks, and even maybe month for that next paycheck to come around. Fortunately for me my current job has a bi-weekly pay method (ha ha ha).
One thing I've learned is that despite all the things you say upon graduation such as: that you promise to stay in touch and to hang out every once in awhile. I've learned that maintaining those tight knit college friendships that you made become very hard to keep.
thus it has made me aware of the importance of a simple email,phone call.
Monday, June 05, 2006
One Day At A Time
Greetings everyone...it has definantly been awhile since my last post. my schedule has much of the same work, eat, and sleep.
Each day I draw closer to H-hour or moving day when I'll pack up my belongings and head for Wake Forest. I feel that my question marks have finally been answered and I'm able to move down there and not feel that I'm moving into the unknown. This is in part due to the fact that I'm finally starting to get regular correspondence from them.
We have been experiencing lot of death and lost here recently @ FB Concord. A very good family friend died suddenly. He was in the Army the 278TH survived a tour of duty in the current Iraq war to come home and die of a heart attack. For some its hard to understand God in this situation but I trust that God knows what He's doing and that He can even use death to gather people unto his side. I trust that God was finished using my friend and God said "Well Done" and brought him home. People even Christians try to understand the mind of God in situation where He takes a Husband away from a wife, a Dad away from a young family but if we understand the mind of God there was be no reason to have Faith.
"A God comprehended is no God."
- Tersteegen
Grace and Peace <><
Each day I draw closer to H-hour or moving day when I'll pack up my belongings and head for Wake Forest. I feel that my question marks have finally been answered and I'm able to move down there and not feel that I'm moving into the unknown. This is in part due to the fact that I'm finally starting to get regular correspondence from them.
We have been experiencing lot of death and lost here recently @ FB Concord. A very good family friend died suddenly. He was in the Army the 278TH survived a tour of duty in the current Iraq war to come home and die of a heart attack. For some its hard to understand God in this situation but I trust that God knows what He's doing and that He can even use death to gather people unto his side. I trust that God was finished using my friend and God said "Well Done" and brought him home. People even Christians try to understand the mind of God in situation where He takes a Husband away from a wife, a Dad away from a young family but if we understand the mind of God there was be no reason to have Faith.
"A God comprehended is no God."
- Tersteegen
Grace and Peace <><
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Longing for Times Gone With the Wind
Driving home from work this late evening with the windows down brought to this writer's olfactory nerve the smell of honey-suckle various other scents of late spring, early summer. Listening to "The Story" from Caedmon's Call In Company of Angels II such a simple truth I find woven into that song. towards the end of song Andy Osenga sings of "can you tell me the story.....I need to hear it again."
At times I find myself there needing the hear the story of my saviour again so it doesn't lose its wonder.
As I drove home tonight and took in the night I was reminded of the constitutionals about the streets Jeff City late at night and how I longed to be there again.
Dear friends, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.
Grace and Peace. <><
At times I find myself there needing the hear the story of my saviour again so it doesn't lose its wonder.
As I drove home tonight and took in the night I was reminded of the constitutionals about the streets Jeff City late at night and how I longed to be there again.
Dear friends, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.
Grace and Peace. <><
Thursday, May 04, 2006
In The News
Well as gas prices surge and the suits on Capitol Hill try figure out to fix the problem I sit here and think on current events such as high gas prices. Well for me I drive Saturn I get good MPG so I really don't have a quarrel about the price when I'm only filling up every 2 weeks or so.
In other news we saw Zacarias Moussaoui to life without parole yesterday. A debate arose from this. One side saying that he deserves to die....What I call the standard death penalty crowd. Then there are those that say he should spend the rest of his life in prison. This case is a special one cause it involves a follower of a very fundamental religion. According to radical Muslims Moussaoui dead at the hands of the "infidels" he would be a martyr and we would see even more deaths of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet could Moussaoui spending the rest of his life in prison might give the enemy the propaganda fuel to say that America doesn't have to guts to give one the death penalty.
I say let him spend the rest of his life in prison. He is on record saying he wanted to die so deny him his religious and personal victory and save the lives of American soldiers in the long run.
I'm interested in what you (those who frequent my blog think....??) please use the comments to their full and complete potential.
Grace and Peace. <><
In other news we saw Zacarias Moussaoui to life without parole yesterday. A debate arose from this. One side saying that he deserves to die....What I call the standard death penalty crowd. Then there are those that say he should spend the rest of his life in prison. This case is a special one cause it involves a follower of a very fundamental religion. According to radical Muslims Moussaoui dead at the hands of the "infidels" he would be a martyr and we would see even more deaths of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet could Moussaoui spending the rest of his life in prison might give the enemy the propaganda fuel to say that America doesn't have to guts to give one the death penalty.
I say let him spend the rest of his life in prison. He is on record saying he wanted to die so deny him his religious and personal victory and save the lives of American soldiers in the long run.
I'm interested in what you (those who frequent my blog think....??) please use the comments to their full and complete potential.
Grace and Peace. <><
Friday, April 28, 2006
Egg on my face
Just when I boast about making good on posting in the month I let almost the entire month go by without posting.
Well after much thought and consideration I've decided to keep on track and head for Southeastern in the fall. After thinking about it for awhile the amount of money that church would probably be able to pay me wouldn't be enough to support and I would get burned out early I feel my best course is to remain on track for seminary.
I've been working hard at the Slab recently got a raise so things are going well. Somtimes I feel like thats all I have time for is work, eat, and sleep. There are some days where I find myself wishing I was back at CNC just living the life of a college student...
well enough longing for what has already passed. I'm looking forward to the release of the Da Vinci Code. I've yet to read the book and I need to. Its just one of the those things that I think every christian should be aware of and know about.
Grace and Peace <><
Well after much thought and consideration I've decided to keep on track and head for Southeastern in the fall. After thinking about it for awhile the amount of money that church would probably be able to pay me wouldn't be enough to support and I would get burned out early I feel my best course is to remain on track for seminary.
I've been working hard at the Slab recently got a raise so things are going well. Somtimes I feel like thats all I have time for is work, eat, and sleep. There are some days where I find myself wishing I was back at CNC just living the life of a college student...
well enough longing for what has already passed. I'm looking forward to the release of the Da Vinci Code. I've yet to read the book and I need to. Its just one of the those things that I think every christian should be aware of and know about.
Grace and Peace <><
Monday, April 03, 2006
Another Year Older
As I write this it is now 20 minutes til I'm officially 24 and another year older and wiser. I must say that my theory is continue to play out as true.
That theory is this: Once you get past the ages of 16, 18, and 21 there are pretty much no more milestone birthdays I would say until the traditional 40th Birthday. I'm not saying that today is just another day. It gives me a chance to reflect on where I am and where I've come from.
One example would be that this time last year I couldn't say that I have a college degree. So I guess you can count that as something significant.
Last night was a wild night...considering the weather we had. I felt like I was at Boomsday and I was sitting right under the bridge with all the Lightning from the storms last night. I can always enjoy a good and strong Thunderstorm. But there is something about when they occur at night that just unerves me.
well I guess that's enough. Wow I've been on a roll for the month of April I'm 2 for 3 on posting in the current month.
*chuckle chuckle*
That theory is this: Once you get past the ages of 16, 18, and 21 there are pretty much no more milestone birthdays I would say until the traditional 40th Birthday. I'm not saying that today is just another day. It gives me a chance to reflect on where I am and where I've come from.
One example would be that this time last year I couldn't say that I have a college degree. So I guess you can count that as something significant.
Last night was a wild night...considering the weather we had. I felt like I was at Boomsday and I was sitting right under the bridge with all the Lightning from the storms last night. I can always enjoy a good and strong Thunderstorm. But there is something about when they occur at night that just unerves me.
well I guess that's enough. Wow I've been on a roll for the month of April I'm 2 for 3 on posting in the current month.
*chuckle chuckle*
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Such Power
There are such things that demonstrate power an example of that would be my experience yesterday at Coal Creek Armory. I felt the power of both a .357 and a .45 hand-guns.
Then there is the ultimate power that is the power of God to work in a person's life when you think you've got everything planned/figured out God surprises you with the opportunity to serve way before the time that you had planned on serving him. Just goes to show ya that God knows best when it comes to your life.
I attended church this morning and the sermon spoke volumes to me. One of the words was about hypocrisy. That one should be able to say in public what they say in private. It was out of the book of Malachai. Intertresting note about this minor prophet that we are not sure of his name simply meaning that the word Malachai is hebrew "My Messenger"
sermon can be heard here
Then there is the ultimate power that is the power of God to work in a person's life when you think you've got everything planned/figured out God surprises you with the opportunity to serve way before the time that you had planned on serving him. Just goes to show ya that God knows best when it comes to your life.
I attended church this morning and the sermon spoke volumes to me. One of the words was about hypocrisy. That one should be able to say in public what they say in private. It was out of the book of Malachai. Intertresting note about this minor prophet that we are not sure of his name simply meaning that the word Malachai is hebrew "My Messenger"
sermon can be heard here
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Descerning God's Will
I've been on vacation from work this week which has been good its been nice to sleep late for consecutive days straight and not have to worry about working. After having dinner at church last night with my parents I came home and progressed with my evening as usual I could hear my mom checking the answering machine upstairs apparently there was something on it (I don't know I don't check it) she comes downstairs to find me and asks me if I've had any phone calls today I say and inquire as to why she is asking. she tells me to check the machine. The message on the machine is for me and it is from a man named Kevin Cook and he is from a church in Mascot, TN and they are looking to hire a p/t even a f/t youth minister. Immediately I went outside stared up at the sky and asked: "What are you doing?" like I may get a response.
So this definently presents an opportunity to serve even before I'm done with seminary and it also provides a job that I can have while in seminary however the plans were to go to Southeastern. So what I'm having to descern is this what God would have me do and in turn attend Southern Seminary via an extension campus.
I would very welcome your prayers in this matter and those of you have the gift of descernment please feel free to shoot me your advice to my email or feel free to call me however I would welcome any and all wisdom as I begin to consider my options.
So this definently presents an opportunity to serve even before I'm done with seminary and it also provides a job that I can have while in seminary however the plans were to go to Southeastern. So what I'm having to descern is this what God would have me do and in turn attend Southern Seminary via an extension campus.
I would very welcome your prayers in this matter and those of you have the gift of descernment please feel free to shoot me your advice to my email or feel free to call me however I would welcome any and all wisdom as I begin to consider my options.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Let The Madness Begin
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Operation: Elusive Inspiration
I very much like my contemporary Whipple am have trouble writing in any shape or form lately these days.
be it a lack of external experiences besides the coming and going to work. I will be honest I can't tell you the last time that I went and enjoyed the entertainment that was a movie at the theatre. Now that I mentioned that something to talk about has come to mind 2 weeks ago this past friday I had the distinct pleasure of seeing Tommy Emmanuel in concert I will say that my jaw was in my lap. He is the probably the fastest fingerpicker that I have ever seen in my life. He had Lizzie Watkins his fiance open for him and she was just as great. Her voice was so beautiful I lost myself in her songs at some points.
Fastforward a week and this past saturday I went to see Ron White. Sunday my brother had his Eagle Scout Court of Honor. That's right my brother made Eagle Scout and I'm very proud of him he had more determination than I had.
Last night I watched a movie that all writers should watch Shattered Glass. Well tonight is the season finale Carolina at Duke @ 9:00 so I will be definantly engrossed in that.
Hope everyone is well
Grace and Peace <><
be it a lack of external experiences besides the coming and going to work. I will be honest I can't tell you the last time that I went and enjoyed the entertainment that was a movie at the theatre. Now that I mentioned that something to talk about has come to mind 2 weeks ago this past friday I had the distinct pleasure of seeing Tommy Emmanuel in concert I will say that my jaw was in my lap. He is the probably the fastest fingerpicker that I have ever seen in my life. He had Lizzie Watkins his fiance open for him and she was just as great. Her voice was so beautiful I lost myself in her songs at some points.
Fastforward a week and this past saturday I went to see Ron White. Sunday my brother had his Eagle Scout Court of Honor. That's right my brother made Eagle Scout and I'm very proud of him he had more determination than I had.
Last night I watched a movie that all writers should watch Shattered Glass. Well tonight is the season finale Carolina at Duke @ 9:00 so I will be definantly engrossed in that.
Hope everyone is well
Grace and Peace <><
Friday, February 17, 2006
Righteous Anger or Righteous Insanity
After thinking that this would die off after a couple of days its still around. The uproar over a cartoonist dipiction of the prophet Muhammed in a Danish newspaper has sparked widespread violence across the middle east.
What I don't seem to understand is that I see people on the news burning American, British, and Israeli flags. To my knowledge the United States didn't have anything to do with this. Correct me if I'm but I believe that I said above and have read that it was a Danish Newspaper that published this cartoon.
The Meat and bones of this post focuses on this article from MSN. I'll let ya read it for yourself but essentially there is now a bounty out on the cartoonists who drew these cartoons.
In the Words of Linda Richman from SNL.....Please Discuss.
What I don't seem to understand is that I see people on the news burning American, British, and Israeli flags. To my knowledge the United States didn't have anything to do with this. Correct me if I'm but I believe that I said above and have read that it was a Danish Newspaper that published this cartoon.
The Meat and bones of this post focuses on this article from MSN. I'll let ya read it for yourself but essentially there is now a bounty out on the cartoonists who drew these cartoons.
In the Words of Linda Richman from SNL.....Please Discuss.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
A Slight Difference
I've heard it said many times that Islam and Christianity serve the same God and that the Koran and the bible are not that disimilar.
Well as I was perusing the daily headlines I came across this a followup to the recent Muhammed cartoon saga. During a peaceful demonstration a group known as Hezbollah told all the "Tyrants" to shut up. I'm pretty sure that Jesus has been depicted in cartoons that show him in an unfavorable light yet do we run around setting fire to embassy's and throwing bricks through storefronts.
here is a little excerpt from the article in which I see a clear contrast
“Defending the prophet should continue worldwide,” Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, told the crowd. “Let (U.S. Secretary of State) Condoleezza Rice, (President) Bush and all the tyrants shut up: We are a nation that can’t forgive, be silent or ease up when they insult our prophet and our sacred values.” “Today, we are defending the dignity of our prophet with a word, a demonstration but let George Bush and the arrogant world know that if we have to ... we will defend our prophet with our blood, not our voices,” Nasrallah added.
In words of Lewis Black: " Patriotism and Religion are good and in balance when they have a since of humor and when they don't......things go.....ary. Thats what happens when you don't laugh. You get so wound up in what your believing and no one is going "ha ha" and your screwed
Well as I was perusing the daily headlines I came across this a followup to the recent Muhammed cartoon saga. During a peaceful demonstration a group known as Hezbollah told all the "Tyrants" to shut up. I'm pretty sure that Jesus has been depicted in cartoons that show him in an unfavorable light yet do we run around setting fire to embassy's and throwing bricks through storefronts.
here is a little excerpt from the article in which I see a clear contrast
“Defending the prophet should continue worldwide,” Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, told the crowd. “Let (U.S. Secretary of State) Condoleezza Rice, (President) Bush and all the tyrants shut up: We are a nation that can’t forgive, be silent or ease up when they insult our prophet and our sacred values.” “Today, we are defending the dignity of our prophet with a word, a demonstration but let George Bush and the arrogant world know that if we have to ... we will defend our prophet with our blood, not our voices,” Nasrallah added.
In words of Lewis Black: " Patriotism and Religion are good and in balance when they have a since of humor and when they don't......things go.....ary. Thats what happens when you don't laugh. You get so wound up in what your believing and no one is going "ha ha" and your screwed
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
My Day in Court
Those of you who don't know I was in a car accident in July 2003 and a year later the people in the other car decided to file suit claiming restitution of damages and lost income and that sort. I try not to bring this up all that often cause it just puts my whole day in a funk.
Well yesterday we had discovery depositions where both sides meet for questioning to better prepare a case for trial if it indeed goes that far. Our attorney was very good and very professional and told us there was a very good chance that there would be an out-of-court settlement simply cause there was alot of discrepancies with both individual's stories not to mention that they were very abrasive and defensive with some of their responses to my attorney's calmly put questions.
I would like to appeal to all those who visit here whom I call friend to keep me in mind in your prayers in this matter this situation always has a way of rearing its ugly head just when I've completely forgotten about it and its life as usual.
Well yesterday we had discovery depositions where both sides meet for questioning to better prepare a case for trial if it indeed goes that far. Our attorney was very good and very professional and told us there was a very good chance that there would be an out-of-court settlement simply cause there was alot of discrepancies with both individual's stories not to mention that they were very abrasive and defensive with some of their responses to my attorney's calmly put questions.
I would like to appeal to all those who visit here whom I call friend to keep me in mind in your prayers in this matter this situation always has a way of rearing its ugly head just when I've completely forgotten about it and its life as usual.
Friday, February 03, 2006
The State of The Union and other things
Well what I thought was going to be a abbreviated work week turned into me working 9-5 monday to thursday with today being my first day off since. I know to most people thats nothing and I say your probably right.
In other news I watched President Bush address the joint houses of Congress and the Nation Tuesday night in his State of the Union. I'm always amused by the distinct contrast that is shown at that speech you have the Republicans standing and applauding the President while the left side is as silent as a tomb. It's really ashame that we as a nation cannot get past the terms democrat and republican and attempt to work together as a nation. That we are reduced to biggoting and fighting simply cause each politician thinks that he/she knows best how to run this country.
Yes I will admit that at times I get tired of hearing new reports of yet another 3 U.S. Servicemen gettting killed by yet another roadside bomb. Its at those times I want our troops out of Iraq but I know about the notorious reputation that the U.S. has; that being once we achieve our objective we pull out and return to life and usual. To do that now would be disaster and created yet another enemy i.e. Osama Bin Laden. For those of you who don't know the U.S. helped him and provided him with weapons to defeat the Soviets in afghanistan once the Soviet threat was quelled we dropped Osama like a bad habit.
Well that was the meat and bones of my post hope everyone is doing well drop me some comments and let me know that you are well.
In other news I watched President Bush address the joint houses of Congress and the Nation Tuesday night in his State of the Union. I'm always amused by the distinct contrast that is shown at that speech you have the Republicans standing and applauding the President while the left side is as silent as a tomb. It's really ashame that we as a nation cannot get past the terms democrat and republican and attempt to work together as a nation. That we are reduced to biggoting and fighting simply cause each politician thinks that he/she knows best how to run this country.
Yes I will admit that at times I get tired of hearing new reports of yet another 3 U.S. Servicemen gettting killed by yet another roadside bomb. Its at those times I want our troops out of Iraq but I know about the notorious reputation that the U.S. has; that being once we achieve our objective we pull out and return to life and usual. To do that now would be disaster and created yet another enemy i.e. Osama Bin Laden. For those of you who don't know the U.S. helped him and provided him with weapons to defeat the Soviets in afghanistan once the Soviet threat was quelled we dropped Osama like a bad habit.
Well that was the meat and bones of my post hope everyone is doing well drop me some comments and let me know that you are well.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
An Ironic Twist of THings
Well the University of Tennesse lost the ability to play football well but ironically found the ability to play Basketball I was only able to catch the 2nd half of the game but it was great to see UT Men's team playing like I remember them. Oh and much to my joy and amazement Duke went down by 3 points to Georgetown, only problem was that My Tarheels were unable to pull out a win against Virginia this week
Well a change of pace this next week at work I'll be working a different schedule thats not as physically draining as the one that I've been working. For the past 3 weeks.
I'm so looking foward to Church tomorrow morning b/c the sermon is coming from the book of Amos. My reason for being excited is that I've had the distinct pleasure of translating it from Hebrew so my insight is already at a scholarly level. The book of Amos is a great book of the old testament in English and is even when better read in Hebrew. When compared to the other prophets I would have to consider Amos the "blue collar" prophet because to the flow and snytax of the book.
Well a change of pace this next week at work I'll be working a different schedule thats not as physically draining as the one that I've been working. For the past 3 weeks.
I'm so looking foward to Church tomorrow morning b/c the sermon is coming from the book of Amos. My reason for being excited is that I've had the distinct pleasure of translating it from Hebrew so my insight is already at a scholarly level. The book of Amos is a great book of the old testament in English and is even when better read in Hebrew. When compared to the other prophets I would have to consider Amos the "blue collar" prophet because to the flow and snytax of the book.
Friday, January 20, 2006
A Word from the Working Stiff.
Just a quick note before I dash out the door to work I hope everyone is doing well and having a great week so far Hoorah for weekends!!!!
It meant something to say that during college but now that I'm working 5 days out of the whole we it really means something. I guess I've turned a corner in my life and I'm now just a regular working stiff as my parents would say. I'm not destined to be though cause before I know it again I will put my student hat back on and enter into the life of a seminarian.
Hopefully tonight I will have some insightful and inspirational content but for now it was just a little "Hey how are Ya?"
It meant something to say that during college but now that I'm working 5 days out of the whole we it really means something. I guess I've turned a corner in my life and I'm now just a regular working stiff as my parents would say. I'm not destined to be though cause before I know it again I will put my student hat back on and enter into the life of a seminarian.
Hopefully tonight I will have some insightful and inspirational content but for now it was just a little "Hey how are Ya?"
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Why Do I Blog
Following suit...being a copy cat....being unoriginal...whatever this is my post on why I blog my blogging started out as a way to let people who I wasn't in present contact with back when I was at Carson Newman know about what was going on in my life and it was as adam put it a life event update. Since then I manage a good theological, philisophical,political minded blog every now and then.
I can also say my blog is an excuse for people not to call me rather than finding out in a instant whats going on they at my bads times will get a glimpse into my life every 3 weeks or so..
My blog's purpose I would say would be a life event forum and when you say it that way it sounds like a boring thing to check out. I would say that I'm showing where I'm at and whats going on this journey called Life. Thankfully I'm not alone in this journey under the Lordship and leadership of Christ I travel this road with him as my guide.
I can also say my blog is an excuse for people not to call me rather than finding out in a instant whats going on they at my bads times will get a glimpse into my life every 3 weeks or so..
My blog's purpose I would say would be a life event forum and when you say it that way it sounds like a boring thing to check out. I would say that I'm showing where I'm at and whats going on this journey called Life. Thankfully I'm not alone in this journey under the Lordship and leadership of Christ I travel this road with him as my guide.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
I got a promotion as of sorts at work today. The circumstances of the promotion were unfortunate. Shift leader got in trouble for pre-closing the store too much on New Year's Eve, this couple with stuff that had been going on the past couple of months basically sent him over the edge and he felt the time was right to move on today its unfortunate but,nevertheless I'm now the number 2 shift leader and will now be working close to 40 hours a week.
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