Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Longing for Times Gone With the Wind

Driving home from work this late evening with the windows down brought to this writer's olfactory nerve the smell of honey-suckle various other scents of late spring, early summer. Listening to "The Story" from Caedmon's Call In Company of Angels II such a simple truth I find woven into that song. towards the end of song Andy Osenga sings of "can you tell me the story.....I need to hear it again."

At times I find myself there needing the hear the story of my saviour again so it doesn't lose its wonder.

As I drove home tonight and took in the night I was reminded of the constitutionals about the streets Jeff City late at night and how I longed to be there again.

Dear friends, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

Grace and Peace. <><

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