Thursday, March 30, 2006

Descerning God's Will

I've been on vacation from work this week which has been good its been nice to sleep late for consecutive days straight and not have to worry about working. After having dinner at church last night with my parents I came home and progressed with my evening as usual I could hear my mom checking the answering machine upstairs apparently there was something on it (I don't know I don't check it) she comes downstairs to find me and asks me if I've had any phone calls today I say and inquire as to why she is asking. she tells me to check the machine. The message on the machine is for me and it is from a man named Kevin Cook and he is from a church in Mascot, TN and they are looking to hire a p/t even a f/t youth minister. Immediately I went outside stared up at the sky and asked: "What are you doing?" like I may get a response.

So this definently presents an opportunity to serve even before I'm done with seminary and it also provides a job that I can have while in seminary however the plans were to go to Southeastern. So what I'm having to descern is this what God would have me do and in turn attend Southern Seminary via an extension campus.

I would very welcome your prayers in this matter and those of you have the gift of descernment please feel free to shoot me your advice to my email or feel free to call me however I would welcome any and all wisdom as I begin to consider my options.

1 comment:

Adam said...

sweet. keep us posted.