Tuesday, August 08, 2006

We're Here......

To steal a line from Poltrigeist. I have arrived in Wake Forest, NC more specifically Southeastern. I have to say that I've come to a crossroads in my life where its either going to be a consistent and genuine walk with my LORD or dare I say a continued existence of "playing church." To which was said that if I was to continue as Southeastern would not happen because of what would be required of me.

It was spiritual warefare at its greatest yesterday I felt like I couldn't do this and I wanted to go home to what I knew and forget that I was ever called to ministry. Sitting in the director of admissions office with my parents the enemy was manufacturing every excuse he could that would in turn put me in my car headed back to Knoxville. I finally just sucked it up and said with as much confidence as I could muster that I was staying and sticking it out now whether that means I stay for a semester or for the entire time that I'm here remains to be seen.

I must say the lowest point was following my parents out of complex that I'm living in and seeing them go one direction and I go the other way. I will be painfully honest I cried and I still feel bad with regard that I'm on my own with regard to not having parents less than an hour away which was the case with me being at Carson Newman. My roommates are awesome guys who are helping me to get settled in and I know that they know exactly what I'm feeling cause they were once there.

I can once again resume my role as a movie junky cause I have absolutely nothing do for about a week cause orientation starts next week and then eventually classes.

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