I don't know if I've mentioned it here within the confines of my blog but those of you who know me know that I love my family, I love being home. The warm and familiar surroundings of everything that I grew knowing and loving. Sadly, I'm employed with UPS to provided my livelihood which in turn translates to brief and abbreviated breaks only last few or so days.
I can now identify with my parents and how hard it was for us as a family to leave my grandparents home and drive back to Knoxville.
Interesting element to this Christmas, this was the first time in awhile that I was able to go to church @ FBC Concord. To be honest I felt like an outsider my time spent there both Sunday morning and Monday afternoon confirmed for me that Bayleaf is where my church home is at this point in time. I can't fault the people cause as the saying goes: "Out of sight, Out of Mind" I didn't go totally unnoticed there were a few people who noticed that I was there, but it did not have the feel that Bayleaf does.
In Other News:
I seem to be managing one post a month. New's Years Goal #1 write and post more, #2 continued weight loss. #3 read more
This Blog will be my personal monologue of my thoughts feelings and experiences whenever the inspiration strikes feel free to join in on the conversation. Little bit about me, my name is Jared Lucas and I'm a 29 year old graduate of Carson-Newman College. I currently reside in West Columbia, SC with my wife Katie. I am in my last year of my MDIV in Christian Ministry at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Final Push
Greetings to the Blogosphere; I trust that everyone had great Thanksgiving spending it with family and friends I know I did.
We are in the home stretch here @ Southeastern and with that a great amount of apathy starts to set in. My attitude is one of wanting to be done with the semester. Please be so kind as to keep me in mind in the next few weeks as I press toward to finish.
I have one major project to get done before the end of the semester and few tests to study for. Nothing I can't handle but still a lot to get done.
I totally different front the possibility of my parents returning to the state of their birth is at their doorstep. My dad comes to Fayetteville this Friday to interview for a job with the Dept. of Transportation. I would covet your prayers for this opportunity that would put my family less than 2 hours away from me here in Wake Forest, as opposed to 6 hours in Knoxville.
Thats all for now, I'm sure to be back on here with more content later
We are in the home stretch here @ Southeastern and with that a great amount of apathy starts to set in. My attitude is one of wanting to be done with the semester. Please be so kind as to keep me in mind in the next few weeks as I press toward to finish.
I have one major project to get done before the end of the semester and few tests to study for. Nothing I can't handle but still a lot to get done.
I totally different front the possibility of my parents returning to the state of their birth is at their doorstep. My dad comes to Fayetteville this Friday to interview for a job with the Dept. of Transportation. I would covet your prayers for this opportunity that would put my family less than 2 hours away from me here in Wake Forest, as opposed to 6 hours in Knoxville.
Thats all for now, I'm sure to be back on here with more content later
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Moral Activists, Gay Bashers, or Lovers of All People
Well fall/winter has finally decided to make its presence known here in the late weeks of October in to November. I can remember when the seasons changed gradually now they seem to do it all in one night or all in one week. The change is seasons also brings to mind how constant God is amid all this change. The weather, the leaves, it all changes but there is God constant as He was yesterday and as constant as He will be tomorrow. There is strength and comfort to be found in that statement.
Well the title to this commentary stems from a movie I watched earlier in the week. Called "I Now Pronounce You Larry and Chuck". The synopsis of the story is two straight guys pretend to be gay in a effort to insure Larry's (played by Kevin James) kids are provided for by insurance should he die. The problem was that a change in the beneficiary could only made within a year of a significant event; i.e. marriage, death etc.
Anyways all that that to say during the course of the movie the they attend this party that is raising money for AIDS research. Upon leaving the party they are confronted by a group of protesters shouting things like: "Gay is not the Way" or "Faggots will burn."
I'm of the conviction that watching movies is a good way to perceive how people view the world. Watching this movie and this scene in the particular shows me that the vast majority of the world thinks and views Christians and the Church as nothing more than moral activists and gay bashers. Sadly I think this label is too accurate. Instead of being the vessels of love that we are called to be we've become insecure legalists and we've drawn the lines in very close, and said your either this or your out.
This is not a condonment of the homosexual lifestyle....No...let me be very frank in saying that. I believe that the homosexual lifestyle to be a sin not matter however you try to color it. Do I believe that is a greater sin. No all sin is sin and the couple in a heterosexual relationship outside of marriage are just as guilty. Do I believe that Christian loses his or her salvation upon becoming gay. I would say no, but I would have hard time fleshing out how a Christian can live in a lifestyle of sin and truly honor God. I would also call into question whether or not this person was truly saved to begin with.
All of this said is more or less be a plea to the Church and us as Christians we should love those that are struggling with probably one of the greatest deceptions of all. We should be the first to show them that true contentment and fulfilment is in Christ alone.
Wow want a mouthful, All that said, its a really funny movie if your needing a laugh from two of the funniest actors out there definitely pick this one up.
Well the title to this commentary stems from a movie I watched earlier in the week. Called "I Now Pronounce You Larry and Chuck". The synopsis of the story is two straight guys pretend to be gay in a effort to insure Larry's (played by Kevin James) kids are provided for by insurance should he die. The problem was that a change in the beneficiary could only made within a year of a significant event; i.e. marriage, death etc.
Anyways all that that to say during the course of the movie the they attend this party that is raising money for AIDS research. Upon leaving the party they are confronted by a group of protesters shouting things like: "Gay is not the Way" or "Faggots will burn."
I'm of the conviction that watching movies is a good way to perceive how people view the world. Watching this movie and this scene in the particular shows me that the vast majority of the world thinks and views Christians and the Church as nothing more than moral activists and gay bashers. Sadly I think this label is too accurate. Instead of being the vessels of love that we are called to be we've become insecure legalists and we've drawn the lines in very close, and said your either this or your out.
This is not a condonment of the homosexual lifestyle....No...let me be very frank in saying that. I believe that the homosexual lifestyle to be a sin not matter however you try to color it. Do I believe that is a greater sin. No all sin is sin and the couple in a heterosexual relationship outside of marriage are just as guilty. Do I believe that Christian loses his or her salvation upon becoming gay. I would say no, but I would have hard time fleshing out how a Christian can live in a lifestyle of sin and truly honor God. I would also call into question whether or not this person was truly saved to begin with.
All of this said is more or less be a plea to the Church and us as Christians we should love those that are struggling with probably one of the greatest deceptions of all. We should be the first to show them that true contentment and fulfilment is in Christ alone.
Wow want a mouthful, All that said, its a really funny movie if your needing a laugh from two of the funniest actors out there definitely pick this one up.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Weight Loss and Other Things....
Well its been an action packed couple of weeks thus far. Definently a few surprises were beheld concerning my midterms in both Theology and Bible Exposition. The results of my theology midterm have to be the best on any test that I've taken here at seminary thus far. I was so relieved cause I left the classroom with the feeling that I failed the thing outright.
Bible Exposition was a tough from the first question to the last question so when I managed a C when I thought I failed that one as well.
On the weight loss front I've been cheating a little with regard to eating out, but surprisingly enough only gained a marginal amount back. As of right now I weigh in at 281 lbs.
On the theology and ministry front I was made aware of a very interesting interview with Joel Osteen on 60 Minutes the CBS news program. If you are not sure or want very clear example on where Osteen stands then I invite you to watch this video.
Bible Exposition was a tough from the first question to the last question so when I managed a C when I thought I failed that one as well.
On the weight loss front I've been cheating a little with regard to eating out, but surprisingly enough only gained a marginal amount back. As of right now I weigh in at 281 lbs.
On the theology and ministry front I was made aware of a very interesting interview with Joel Osteen on 60 Minutes the CBS news program. If you are not sure or want very clear example on where Osteen stands then I invite you to watch this video.
60 Minutes,
bible expostion,
Joel Osteen,
weight loss
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Convergent Conference Download,and other things
Where have I been??? To be perfectly honest I can't say I've had plenty of stuff that I could write about. The act of sitting down and typing it out has been a foreign concept to me. School and work keep pretty well occupied.
First things of many things to talk about. How about them Tennessee Vols puttin' a hurtin' on those poodles...I mean.. Bulldogs of Georgia. Just goes to show ya when you come to the house of 109,000 you better put your hat on and come to play.
Secondly, I think now being 3 weeks removed from the Convergent Conference I can give a synopsis of what went down and what was discussed. Believe me there was a ton of stuff said and let just put forward that my synopsis will not do it justice.
however you can go to Southeastern's website and link up with the resources; or go to iTunes and search for the Southeastern Podcast.
In the first session J.D. Greear spoke from Acts 16 and spoke about the example of the types of people you might and will have in your churches and the ways to best minister to each category. He emphasized that We can no longer look at evangelizing America different from the the way we look at evangelizing the Nations
He stressed on 3 key points on what Ministry should look like:
I. Ministry of Mercy is Necessary for Every Church
A. To be a follower of Jesus is not something that you should have to tell people it should be evident in your life.
II. The Gospel must remain Central
A. People must hear the gospel to be saved.
B. All change that last comes from the gospel
III. To follow Jesus is to go Cross-Culture
The second of these sessions had us sitting in under one of greatest minds Ed Stetzer. He preached and gave his talk from the text of Luke 24:46-49. In his talk he mentioned that 89% of churches are not growing through healthy evangelistic methods. Stetzer says that there is an emergent church because of the church of North America has become ineffective for the most part. Stetzer said that there are many things that can solve this problem of ineffectiveness. He said the solution is ultimately found in scripture and metioned the following 3 solutions:
I. The Centrality of the Cross
A. The gospel does not mean preach "Get Saved" every week.
B. A motivation for innovation cannot be birthed from a loss of confidence in the Gospel.
II. Focus on the Message
A. Your message must be repentance and forgiveness of sin.
B. This is not a one time thing but a lifestyle that must be lived out.
III. The Importance of Witness
A. John 20:21, Acts 1:6-7
The third session we beheld Mark Driscoll for points on his talk I will have to point you to the podcast cause I was so concentrated on listening that I didn't take very good notes.
This also applies to the 4th session given to us by Dr. Akin.
The Fifth and final session was given to us by Dr. Alvin Reid. He student favorite here at Southeastern. Dr. Reid just jumped right in with a breakdown and analysis of the Convential Church versus the Emergent Church.
I. Convential Christianity
A. Strengths
1. A strong biblical conviction
2. A passion evangelism
3. A passion missions
4. Remained firm on major moral issues
5. A large economic base.
B. Weakness
1. Somethings need and must be renewed
a. Evangelism effectiveness among the unchurched
b. A healthy balance between what must never change
and what needs to change.
c. View of the arts
d. Programmatic ministry
e. Christian subculture
f. Entitlementalism - Dr. Reid coined word
g. Institutionalism
II. The Emergent Church
A. Strengths
1. sees there is problem
2. engages the culture
B. Weakness
1. Antinomian tendencies
a. lack of emphasis on doctrine(some deny doctrine)
b. Missional without being intentional
c. disrespect toward the modern church
III. The Convergent/Emerging Church
1. Missional Worship
a. I live to worship God.
2. Missional Theology
3. Missional Ethics
a. based on "Missio Dei"
4. Missional Evangelism
5. Missional Lifestyle.
There you have it; once again I say this is not a comprehensive synopsis for treasure trove of all that was said again iTunes: search Southeastern Podcast or go to Southeastern's website
First things of many things to talk about. How about them Tennessee Vols puttin' a hurtin' on those poodles...I mean.. Bulldogs of Georgia. Just goes to show ya when you come to the house of 109,000 you better put your hat on and come to play.
Secondly, I think now being 3 weeks removed from the Convergent Conference I can give a synopsis of what went down and what was discussed. Believe me there was a ton of stuff said and let just put forward that my synopsis will not do it justice.
however you can go to Southeastern's website and link up with the resources; or go to iTunes and search for the Southeastern Podcast.
In the first session J.D. Greear spoke from Acts 16 and spoke about the example of the types of people you might and will have in your churches and the ways to best minister to each category. He emphasized that We can no longer look at evangelizing America different from the the way we look at evangelizing the Nations
He stressed on 3 key points on what Ministry should look like:
I. Ministry of Mercy is Necessary for Every Church
A. To be a follower of Jesus is not something that you should have to tell people it should be evident in your life.
II. The Gospel must remain Central
A. People must hear the gospel to be saved.
B. All change that last comes from the gospel
III. To follow Jesus is to go Cross-Culture
The second of these sessions had us sitting in under one of greatest minds Ed Stetzer. He preached and gave his talk from the text of Luke 24:46-49. In his talk he mentioned that 89% of churches are not growing through healthy evangelistic methods. Stetzer says that there is an emergent church because of the church of North America has become ineffective for the most part. Stetzer said that there are many things that can solve this problem of ineffectiveness. He said the solution is ultimately found in scripture and metioned the following 3 solutions:
I. The Centrality of the Cross
A. The gospel does not mean preach "Get Saved" every week.
B. A motivation for innovation cannot be birthed from a loss of confidence in the Gospel.
II. Focus on the Message
A. Your message must be repentance and forgiveness of sin.
B. This is not a one time thing but a lifestyle that must be lived out.
III. The Importance of Witness
A. John 20:21, Acts 1:6-7
The third session we beheld Mark Driscoll for points on his talk I will have to point you to the podcast cause I was so concentrated on listening that I didn't take very good notes.
This also applies to the 4th session given to us by Dr. Akin.
The Fifth and final session was given to us by Dr. Alvin Reid. He student favorite here at Southeastern. Dr. Reid just jumped right in with a breakdown and analysis of the Convential Church versus the Emergent Church.
I. Convential Christianity
A. Strengths
1. A strong biblical conviction
2. A passion evangelism
3. A passion missions
4. Remained firm on major moral issues
5. A large economic base.
B. Weakness
1. Somethings need and must be renewed
a. Evangelism effectiveness among the unchurched
b. A healthy balance between what must never change
and what needs to change.
c. View of the arts
d. Programmatic ministry
e. Christian subculture
f. Entitlementalism - Dr. Reid coined word
g. Institutionalism
II. The Emergent Church
A. Strengths
1. sees there is problem
2. engages the culture
B. Weakness
1. Antinomian tendencies
a. lack of emphasis on doctrine(some deny doctrine)
b. Missional without being intentional
c. disrespect toward the modern church
III. The Convergent/Emerging Church
1. Missional Worship
a. I live to worship God.
2. Missional Theology
3. Missional Ethics
a. based on "Missio Dei"
4. Missional Evangelism
5. Missional Lifestyle.
There you have it; once again I say this is not a comprehensive synopsis for treasure trove of all that was said again iTunes: search Southeastern Podcast or go to Southeastern's website
Friday, August 24, 2007
Proclaiming The Name of Christ
As a result of being in right fellowship with Christ; the Holy Spirit has made me sensitive to those around me and has renewed my attitude towards being a reflection of Christ and reaching the lost that work around me.
On that note, I had an interesting encounter with a guy last night who goes to Southeastern either the college or seminary I'm not sure. He strikes everyone he talks to as very odd and at times creepy. He talks to people in the familiar that he has yet to introduce himself to. I say this because he talks to me and I don't even know his name. That being said he asked friend of mine at work whether not he was Christian. (before I continue he is Christian) He asked in such an abrasive way that my buddy was felt uncomfortable even though his response was an affirmative one.
The guy then turns to me and says for the longest time he wasn't sure that I was a believer cause he didn't know whether or not I went to seminary. He then asked; (again I remind you that I don't know his name he's never introduced himself) if I went to Southeastern my response was yes, and he said, "You should tell everyone that, and a lot at that." He then walked away started to work scanning packages.
I say all that to say this: I told my friend afterwards that I try to tell others that I'm believer in Jesus Christ and what he's done for me in my life before I tell them where I'm going to school and what I'm studying. As well just because an individual goes to a Christian or Bible college/school doesn't mean that person is a Christian. The story has been told time and time again from the Southeastern chapel pulpit about a number of seminary students walk forward during a chapel service and accepted to Christ.
To tell someone that you go a bible college or are attending seminary does not prompt the average person to ask about the saving knowledge of Christ though I will agree it can open the door I just think that your testimony about how Christ has changed your life is a better wait to witness to those around you.
On that note, I had an interesting encounter with a guy last night who goes to Southeastern either the college or seminary I'm not sure. He strikes everyone he talks to as very odd and at times creepy. He talks to people in the familiar that he has yet to introduce himself to. I say this because he talks to me and I don't even know his name. That being said he asked friend of mine at work whether not he was Christian. (before I continue he is Christian) He asked in such an abrasive way that my buddy was felt uncomfortable even though his response was an affirmative one.
The guy then turns to me and says for the longest time he wasn't sure that I was a believer cause he didn't know whether or not I went to seminary. He then asked; (again I remind you that I don't know his name he's never introduced himself) if I went to Southeastern my response was yes, and he said, "You should tell everyone that, and a lot at that." He then walked away started to work scanning packages.
I say all that to say this: I told my friend afterwards that I try to tell others that I'm believer in Jesus Christ and what he's done for me in my life before I tell them where I'm going to school and what I'm studying. As well just because an individual goes to a Christian or Bible college/school doesn't mean that person is a Christian. The story has been told time and time again from the Southeastern chapel pulpit about a number of seminary students walk forward during a chapel service and accepted to Christ.
To tell someone that you go a bible college or are attending seminary does not prompt the average person to ask about the saving knowledge of Christ though I will agree it can open the door I just think that your testimony about how Christ has changed your life is a better wait to witness to those around you.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Into the swing.....
As of today 1 week of classes down, several more to go. I must say I'm glad to be back at school cause it brings such a structure and schedule to the day and week that keeps me on my toes and keeps me from boredom.
Well as is my custom as of late updating you on my quest to get fit and lose weigh as of this morning's workout and weigh-in. I currently sit at 295 lbs thats a total of 45 lbs over almost a 3 month period.
I read an awesome article for theology by John Stott. I'll try to get on here within a couple of days to write about and discuss what was read cause it was a very engaging read.
Well as is my custom as of late updating you on my quest to get fit and lose weigh as of this morning's workout and weigh-in. I currently sit at 295 lbs thats a total of 45 lbs over almost a 3 month period.
I read an awesome article for theology by John Stott. I'll try to get on here within a couple of days to write about and discuss what was read cause it was a very engaging read.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Let Games Begin Year 2
Well its that time again.....As of tomorrow its back to the books and back to the hours of study. This semester should offer a lot of blogging fodder with classes such as Theology and Bible Exposition and Hebrew. I will and should have a lot to discuss
Until then........
Grace and Peace to You All
Until then........
Grace and Peace to You All
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Getting Slim, Getting Wise
I'm not sure that I have mentioned it here but for the past 2 months or so I've been sticking to healthy diet and workout regime that has resulted in the loss of over 25 lbs. I currently sit at 304 lbs. with much lose still ahead of me.
My overall goal is to get rid of the spare tire known only as my gut of a stomach and to weigh somewhere around 275 to 285. I'm doing this in part for my own well being as well for my future wife and family. In part that I will live to see those days and the days beyond. Weight gain and weight problems have a alway been a struggle for me and my immediate family with the exception of a brother which at some points we wondered if he was truly adopted( j/k).
I take time to mention is now or again to ask for prayer school for me starts a week from today and my request would be that I be disciplined enough to maintain my workout schedule and diet as well excel in my studies as well
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth."
2 Timothy 2.15 (ESV)
My overall goal is to get rid of the spare tire known only as my gut of a stomach and to weigh somewhere around 275 to 285. I'm doing this in part for my own well being as well for my future wife and family. In part that I will live to see those days and the days beyond. Weight gain and weight problems have a alway been a struggle for me and my immediate family with the exception of a brother which at some points we wondered if he was truly adopted( j/k).
I take time to mention is now or again to ask for prayer school for me starts a week from today and my request would be that I be disciplined enough to maintain my workout schedule and diet as well excel in my studies as well
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth."
2 Timothy 2.15 (ESV)
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Growing in Christ

The past two weeks have been a real growing experience for me and my walk with the Lord. On multiple occasions I had posted how I was on the mend in regards to my walk with Christ. Unfortunately within the span of a few days I would return to the "ways of the flesh" as the Apostle Paul would put it. What I failed to see that all my attempts were of my own striving. I came to the realization through the wise words of one of my new friends in Josh Woodall he said something like or to the effect of that there is no good in us whatsoever and that any good is that of Jesus Christ. An that any attempt to correct my walk would fail ultimately cause that it was without the help of Christ.
My attitude and my relationship with others changed some much because finally and for the first time my relationship with Christ was where and what is was supposed to be and that being an authentic one.
I owe my growth to God's word and devotion by Oswald Chamber's My Utmost for His Highest
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Culture Current Worship
Greetings to all you members of the blog sphere.....well my network of bloggers at least. I submit this for discussion and thought this afternoon.
Today as sat in Sunday morning worship we sang two familiar songs one was "I Will Call Upon The Lord" and the other was "Shine Jesus Shine." We took and sang these two songs at a incredibly slow tempo if you ask me; slower than I'm used to. I'm a musician....well I like to think of myself as one; as a person who has led worship on many different occasions and I can tell you from first-hand experience that the style of the music has an effect on people. The music you pick and play will either energize them or bore and depress them.
I find that the majority of worship in our churches is bored and played out. There are a slight few that have a mixture and worship in those churches is exciting and great. I know and will admit that the majority of churches have to consider the makeup of their congregations. Consider any fast paced song that you think of and slowing it down and even removing two maybe even three of the instruments(guitars, drums, and bass) used to originally record it and replacing them with a piano and organ. This is done so that the older and more influential members will be happy and want to sing that Sunday. Still I have to sit and think: Why do we worship through singing?......is it for our enjoyment and pleasure, or do really grasp the concept that it is God the Father to whom we are singing.
Don't get me wrong I'm not for the removal of hymns there are some outstanding pieces of music that I would cry if we never sang them again: "Come Thou Fount", "O For Thousand Tongues","How Great Thou Art." These are only a few that have awesome truths contained within in them.
I think that it was do us some good to consider the culture and time that we're in when we put our minds to doing worship.
A song like "Trading My Sorrows" at a slow tempo doesn't come off sounding too joyful.
Today as sat in Sunday morning worship we sang two familiar songs one was "I Will Call Upon The Lord" and the other was "Shine Jesus Shine." We took and sang these two songs at a incredibly slow tempo if you ask me; slower than I'm used to. I'm a musician....well I like to think of myself as one; as a person who has led worship on many different occasions and I can tell you from first-hand experience that the style of the music has an effect on people. The music you pick and play will either energize them or bore and depress them.
I find that the majority of worship in our churches is bored and played out. There are a slight few that have a mixture and worship in those churches is exciting and great. I know and will admit that the majority of churches have to consider the makeup of their congregations. Consider any fast paced song that you think of and slowing it down and even removing two maybe even three of the instruments(guitars, drums, and bass) used to originally record it and replacing them with a piano and organ. This is done so that the older and more influential members will be happy and want to sing that Sunday. Still I have to sit and think: Why do we worship through singing?......is it for our enjoyment and pleasure, or do really grasp the concept that it is God the Father to whom we are singing.
Don't get me wrong I'm not for the removal of hymns there are some outstanding pieces of music that I would cry if we never sang them again: "Come Thou Fount", "O For Thousand Tongues","How Great Thou Art." These are only a few that have awesome truths contained within in them.
I think that it was do us some good to consider the culture and time that we're in when we put our minds to doing worship.
A song like "Trading My Sorrows" at a slow tempo doesn't come off sounding too joyful.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Confessions of an Amateur Believer Review

Title: Confessions of an Amateur Believer
Author: Patty Kirk
Genre: Christian, Faith
Rating: (1-5) - 5
Confessions of an Amateur Believer by Patty Kirk is a brief glimpse into the life of the author and how she goes from unbelief to the faith of a young adult to struggling with owning her faith to the deepest, darkest hours of questioning whats the point of having faith wondering whether or not the promises of God told of in the bible were true. This book approaches the Faith Journey in a down to earth way that everyone who reads this work can at some point identify with the author and take comfort in the notion that they are not the first to experience struggle with knowing what they believe and why they believe it.
Personal Word:
I loved every moment of this book.....there were times where I could put myself in the author's shoes and clearly identify with the struggle.
I recommend this book to any and all who wish to be encouraged and edified by the struggle and eventual victory of a fellow believer.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Dried Up
Like much of the south right about now with hardly any rain in past several weeks so is my mind when it comes of thinking about topics or good blogging fodder.
with the fall semester right around the corner. Plus two conferences here @ Southeastern one entitled the Convergent Conference with topics such as the emergent church to be discussed with the like of Ed Stetzer and Mark Driscoll and the other a conference on the life and works of C.S Lewis I'm sure to have plenty of stuff to discuss.
That book review is right around the corner just have to gather my thoughts on it...
Hope everyone is doing well....love to hear from ya.....look me up
with the fall semester right around the corner. Plus two conferences here @ Southeastern one entitled the Convergent Conference with topics such as the emergent church to be discussed with the like of Ed Stetzer and Mark Driscoll and the other a conference on the life and works of C.S Lewis I'm sure to have plenty of stuff to discuss.
That book review is right around the corner just have to gather my thoughts on it...
Hope everyone is doing well....love to hear from ya.....look me up
C.S. Lewis,
Convergent Conference,
Ed Stetzer,
Mark Driscoll
Thursday, June 21, 2007
5 Things I Dig About Jesus
So Adam Whipple has tagged me into this thing. I hope you will be able to participate and keep the fun going.
1. Those tagged will share 5 things they dig about Jesus.
2. Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers.
3. Those tagged will provide a link in the comments section here of their post so that others can read them.
Here goes.
1. Jesus still went to the Cross knowing how many time I would still turn my back on him in rebellion of the flesh. What a mighty love that is.
2. He is that small voice constantly telling and reminding me that he is in control.
3. That he is not a white middle class republican* for most this is the picture of what it means to be a true faith walking Christian.
4. That he is faithful to me inspite of faithlessness
5. He loved to fish...I like to fish!!!!!
The next five victims....erh I mean contestants are:
Scott Guthrie
Natalie Justice
Evan Higgenbotham
Andy Witt
Josh Woodall
those of you I've tagged feel free to post your digs wherever you call home(facebook, myspace,blogger, or xang) or as comment on my site.
lets keep this going.
1. Those tagged will share 5 things they dig about Jesus.
2. Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers.
3. Those tagged will provide a link in the comments section here of their post so that others can read them.
Here goes.
1. Jesus still went to the Cross knowing how many time I would still turn my back on him in rebellion of the flesh. What a mighty love that is.
2. He is that small voice constantly telling and reminding me that he is in control.
3. That he is not a white middle class republican* for most this is the picture of what it means to be a true faith walking Christian.
4. That he is faithful to me inspite of faithlessness
5. He loved to fish...I like to fish!!!!!
The next five victims....erh I mean contestants are:
Scott Guthrie
Natalie Justice
Evan Higgenbotham
Andy Witt
Josh Woodall
those of you I've tagged feel free to post your digs wherever you call home(facebook, myspace,blogger, or xang) or as comment on my site.
lets keep this going.
Monday, June 18, 2007
An Exit of sorts
Well today I submit this for thought, We the students here are Southeastern received a note from the President in which he gave a summary of the events that took place at this year's Southern Baptist Convention. It was in this note that he express concern at the fact that the attendance was small and "well advanced" in years.
Well I'd like to think that I'm concerned about where we are going as Baptist's however my financial obligations do not allow me to drop all and just go week without working and income from working. The fact that this year's convention was in San Antonio, TX was another major factor.
The title describes where I am in my employment opportunities. I was in Blockbuster last night and I saw where they were hiring. I'm looking for an extra job to earn extra income and actually saved instead of living month to month. Well I took the 45 minutes today that it takes to complete the blockbuster application. Much to my surprise I received a call today and discussed at length about the possibility of a F/T management position. So with this new development my exit from UPS might be imminent. We'll see what happens.
Grace, Peace, and Earl Grey to you All......
Well I'd like to think that I'm concerned about where we are going as Baptist's however my financial obligations do not allow me to drop all and just go week without working and income from working. The fact that this year's convention was in San Antonio, TX was another major factor.
The title describes where I am in my employment opportunities. I was in Blockbuster last night and I saw where they were hiring. I'm looking for an extra job to earn extra income and actually saved instead of living month to month. Well I took the 45 minutes today that it takes to complete the blockbuster application. Much to my surprise I received a call today and discussed at length about the possibility of a F/T management position. So with this new development my exit from UPS might be imminent. We'll see what happens.
Grace, Peace, and Earl Grey to you All......
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Reliant Upon the Sometimes Unreliable
I was amazed and found humor in the concept that we as a culture are at times so dependent on technology be it a computer, a cell phone, or laptop whatever the case may be when those things cease to function we can feel like and Pirate with a termite infested peg-leg.
This was my experience this past Wednesday, Thursday, and part of Friday. I'm a seminary student so money is tight so I'm unable to afford the cost of an actual phone line in my apartment so a cell phone is my only means of communication and contact with the exception of e-mail. Well My phone decided late Wednesday night that it didn't want to work anymore. I was unable to make any sort of phone call I ended up having to borrow my roommate's phone to talk to Cingular/AT&T customer service about insurance* and replacing my phone.
* I'm really thankful that I got insurance on my phone....initially when I setup my account I almost decided to fore go the extra cost.
This was my experience this past Wednesday, Thursday, and part of Friday. I'm a seminary student so money is tight so I'm unable to afford the cost of an actual phone line in my apartment so a cell phone is my only means of communication and contact with the exception of e-mail. Well My phone decided late Wednesday night that it didn't want to work anymore. I was unable to make any sort of phone call I ended up having to borrow my roommate's phone to talk to Cingular/AT&T customer service about insurance* and replacing my phone.
* I'm really thankful that I got insurance on my phone....initially when I setup my account I almost decided to fore go the extra cost.
Friday, June 08, 2007
An Accurate Reflection
Greetings to all in the blogsphere, first off I hope everyone is doing well as for me it is finally summer. A time to relax kick back and read a few books here and there, as well as do some fishing and other stuff.
As for the reading part I'm steadily moving through John Piper's Future Grace just six chapters in and I've already been confronted with some great biblical truth. About how we are to live in the grace that Christ lavishes upon us. We should always be careful not to feel as though we can ever repay God back for the grace that he gives us because the day that happens grace stops being grace.
that's a little preview more to come later in the review
The title of my entry has to do with situation at work tonight. Last sunday I asked my small group fellowship to please be in prayer for me that my attitude would always be a an "accurate reflection" of what Christ has called us to be in the workplace as well as everyday life. Tonight was a rough night we had the minimum amount of people there to operate our part of the sort(I work @ UPS). So needless to say the supervisors were asking a lot of all of us tonight. It came down to the end of the night and I was told that if certain task wasn't done at the end of the night I wasn't going to be allowed to leave until it was done. It was at this point that lost it a little bit and said that my responsibility was to my section first then whatever else is needed.
Long and the short of it was was rude and disrespectful to my supervisor. it was then that a lady working next to me asked me if I was allowed to get away with that. At first I was like uh that's the norm around here. She then proceeded to draw my attention to the fact that I had been disrespectful and rude.
So all in all it was a very humbling experience. I'm thankful that there are still Christians who have to courage to call one another out when they observe a fellow member of the body acting in a way they shouldn't.
As for the reading part I'm steadily moving through John Piper's Future Grace just six chapters in and I've already been confronted with some great biblical truth. About how we are to live in the grace that Christ lavishes upon us. We should always be careful not to feel as though we can ever repay God back for the grace that he gives us because the day that happens grace stops being grace.
that's a little preview more to come later in the review
The title of my entry has to do with situation at work tonight. Last sunday I asked my small group fellowship to please be in prayer for me that my attitude would always be a an "accurate reflection" of what Christ has called us to be in the workplace as well as everyday life. Tonight was a rough night we had the minimum amount of people there to operate our part of the sort(I work @ UPS). So needless to say the supervisors were asking a lot of all of us tonight. It came down to the end of the night and I was told that if certain task wasn't done at the end of the night I wasn't going to be allowed to leave until it was done. It was at this point that lost it a little bit and said that my responsibility was to my section first then whatever else is needed.
Long and the short of it was was rude and disrespectful to my supervisor. it was then that a lady working next to me asked me if I was allowed to get away with that. At first I was like uh that's the norm around here. She then proceeded to draw my attention to the fact that I had been disrespectful and rude.
So all in all it was a very humbling experience. I'm thankful that there are still Christians who have to courage to call one another out when they observe a fellow member of the body acting in a way they shouldn't.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Donations Welcomed
Announcing the formation of the "Help Jared buy a new computer fund"
Any and all donations are welcomed!!!!
Any and all donations are welcomed!!!!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Well, for starters I can hardly believe that I've just finished my first year at seminary. I've already learned so much in just this short period of time it blows my mind. Things are still cookin @ UPS I just wish with summer time came the ability to work longer and earn more money. The prospects of finding another job are pretty grim. Which would really help in the money dept.
Thats the one difficulty that I've really had to get used to so far here at seminary. I make just enough to clear my expenses and I hardly have anything left over. I'd love to be able to save as much as I can but in all reality I just can't. I'm that every current or former seminarian would be able to give testimony to this very situation. Still through it all I'm thankful that I'm able to meet my financial obligations; cause truth be told it could be the other way around. I'm thankful for parents who with financial difficulties of their own find ways to help me when I need it the most.
One thing that I've learned here is that the grade is not always a reflection of what you learned. My first semester is a clear indication of that fact. I learned so much but you wouldn't think so to look at my grades.
My hope is to try to get some reading done this summer. I've got 2 John Piper books that I got for Christmas that I want to read "Future Grace", and "When I don't desire God: How to Fight For Joy"
When I get'em read I'll be sure to post reviews about them.
Thats the one difficulty that I've really had to get used to so far here at seminary. I make just enough to clear my expenses and I hardly have anything left over. I'd love to be able to save as much as I can but in all reality I just can't. I'm that every current or former seminarian would be able to give testimony to this very situation. Still through it all I'm thankful that I'm able to meet my financial obligations; cause truth be told it could be the other way around. I'm thankful for parents who with financial difficulties of their own find ways to help me when I need it the most.
One thing that I've learned here is that the grade is not always a reflection of what you learned. My first semester is a clear indication of that fact. I learned so much but you wouldn't think so to look at my grades.
My hope is to try to get some reading done this summer. I've got 2 John Piper books that I got for Christmas that I want to read "Future Grace", and "When I don't desire God: How to Fight For Joy"
When I get'em read I'll be sure to post reviews about them.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Things Goings On.....
Howdy Folks,
Well this is just little blurb to let you all know I'm still alive. I've been covered up by "stuff" and I'm on slow but steady pace to finish out my 2nd semester here @ Southeastern so far this semester is shaping up to be whole lot better than my first. Apparently it takes you couple of painful semesters to get readjusted back to the lifestyle of studying/little to no social life after taking a year off.
Again I'd like to implore my readership to please pray for me and my work situation I've been in little of trouble and I'm relying on God to see me through this storm(Mark 4:35-41) and doing the best job I know how to and thats all anyone can ask of me.
Well this is just little blurb to let you all know I'm still alive. I've been covered up by "stuff" and I'm on slow but steady pace to finish out my 2nd semester here @ Southeastern so far this semester is shaping up to be whole lot better than my first. Apparently it takes you couple of painful semesters to get readjusted back to the lifestyle of studying/little to no social life after taking a year off.
Again I'd like to implore my readership to please pray for me and my work situation I've been in little of trouble and I'm relying on God to see me through this storm(Mark 4:35-41) and doing the best job I know how to and thats all anyone can ask of me.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Book Review Coming......
Well Ladies and Gents, my inaugural book review is about to take place here @ TheCrazyScotsman
It's taken me awhile to read it but we're almost there.
Keep me in prayers guys and gals(really unsure of my audience) we're gearing up for the end of the semester and I need to finish strong this semester.....last semester wasn't so hot so I have to make up for this time around.
It's taken me awhile to read it but we're almost there.
Keep me in prayers guys and gals(really unsure of my audience) we're gearing up for the end of the semester and I need to finish strong this semester.....last semester wasn't so hot so I have to make up for this time around.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Fishing and Shipping
Well it's steady as she goes here in Wake Forest as of late. It hard to adjust and do things different when your schedule demands that it be such a rigid one to begin with. I'm slowly starting to use every single minute that I can, and still I fail to do so sometimes. I'm also starting to realize the beauty of waking up early you allot yourself so much more extra time that way.
It's been a rough couple weeks here recently @ UPS I've been the favorite focus of constructive ridicule I'm having and have been having trouble with misloads (putting the right package in the wrong bag). I just press on and tell my supervisors that I'm doing my best and thats all that anyone can expect from me. It's not negligence or anything of that sort. For the most part its getting tunnel vision and not thoroughly reading the address label. My mother will want to be concerned about my previous statements but what she doesn't realize is that its UPS(they get concerned and turn right around and don't care about it whatever it may be)
So after some odd years of I don't know what I've recently become interested in the art of fishing. So much more that attaching a worm to hook w/ a bobber and just letting is sit. I'm talking about bait fishing and luring fish out and getting them to strike. It was a blast yesterday it was slow start for me but as for my roommate he caught 8 smallmouth all together I managed to to catch 3 towards the end of the day. All in all a great time.
Fishing also reminds me how we as Christians struggle with temptation we see the bait what the world has to offer but what he don't know intially is lurking within that shining piece is a dangerous hook. It's only by grace and the fellow Christians around us that we're able to throw that hook and get away.
It's been a rough couple weeks here recently @ UPS I've been the favorite focus of constructive ridicule I'm having and have been having trouble with misloads (putting the right package in the wrong bag). I just press on and tell my supervisors that I'm doing my best and thats all that anyone can expect from me. It's not negligence or anything of that sort. For the most part its getting tunnel vision and not thoroughly reading the address label. My mother will want to be concerned about my previous statements but what she doesn't realize is that its UPS(they get concerned and turn right around and don't care about it whatever it may be)
So after some odd years of I don't know what I've recently become interested in the art of fishing. So much more that attaching a worm to hook w/ a bobber and just letting is sit. I'm talking about bait fishing and luring fish out and getting them to strike. It was a blast yesterday it was slow start for me but as for my roommate he caught 8 smallmouth all together I managed to to catch 3 towards the end of the day. All in all a great time.
Fishing also reminds me how we as Christians struggle with temptation we see the bait what the world has to offer but what he don't know intially is lurking within that shining piece is a dangerous hook. It's only by grace and the fellow Christians around us that we're able to throw that hook and get away.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Fragile!!!...Handle w/ care
This inspiration to write this time comes from my place of employment oddly enough. I finally reached my seniority so now I have to either steal something, start fight, or set off a bomb in the building to get fired. In the short and long 7 months that I've been employed at UPS I've seen many packages with the special label Fragile: Handle w/ Care. Now to you the receiver of such a said package with aforementioned label in your ideal imagination would like to believe and think that; that package has been handled with the "care" that has been requested by that said label. I'm here to testify to the contrary. The Fragile label means nothing to the common package handler. I've seen a many fragile package sail through the air like it was a football. Now not to worry you the receiver this is not the norm I'm just reporting what I've seen @ both Fedex and UPS both major shippers.
We are back to classes after "spring break" and with that test are soon to follow. I got to see a good and familiar face today in the person of Victor Lee from my home church that and free meal is always good too.
Congrats to the NC State Wolfpack are in order for hanging in there and making sure that the Duke Blue Devils went down like a bunch of punks that they are.
Discussion time: Do you think Henderson's foul was flagrant or intentional????
We are back to classes after "spring break" and with that test are soon to follow. I got to see a good and familiar face today in the person of Victor Lee from my home church that and free meal is always good too.
Congrats to the NC State Wolfpack are in order for hanging in there and making sure that the Duke Blue Devils went down like a bunch of punks that they are.
Discussion time: Do you think Henderson's foul was flagrant or intentional????
Saturday, February 24, 2007
I Thought it was a News Report Not a Ratings Competition.....
Well three weeks into the episodes of LOST and I can't say that I'm not busting neurons at the end of every episode.
So where has the scotsman/seminarian been for the span of 3 weeks well to be perfectly honest blogging hasn't been the foremost thing on my mind as of late. This can be attributed to a writing funk i.e. not enough fodder or worthy material blog about. I'm slowly working my way through that book that I got tagged to review. It's a slow go with all the other work and reading that I have got to do.
So watching and reading the latest news and the Anna Nicole saga at any point is anyone concerned with "How" she died. I mean seriously its not every day that 40 year old like her just drops dead. It seems that the media is more concerned with what gets "ratings".
Spring break for Southeastern is this week so it should free me up to get some work done get some rest to finish fighting off the most recent bug I've had. I've been sick more often this past year that I've ever been in recent memory. Also with the help of a awesome site called Craig's List I was able to acquire a washer and dryer for $200.00 so let the era of free laundry begin.
So where has the scotsman/seminarian been for the span of 3 weeks well to be perfectly honest blogging hasn't been the foremost thing on my mind as of late. This can be attributed to a writing funk i.e. not enough fodder or worthy material blog about. I'm slowly working my way through that book that I got tagged to review. It's a slow go with all the other work and reading that I have got to do.
So watching and reading the latest news and the Anna Nicole saga at any point is anyone concerned with "How" she died. I mean seriously its not every day that 40 year old like her just drops dead. It seems that the media is more concerned with what gets "ratings".
Spring break for Southeastern is this week so it should free me up to get some work done get some rest to finish fighting off the most recent bug I've had. I've been sick more often this past year that I've ever been in recent memory. Also with the help of a awesome site called Craig's List I was able to acquire a washer and dryer for $200.00 so let the era of free laundry begin.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Sports, and LOST
Well sports fans....the Tarheels accomplished what rarely happens for them considering their most recent history. Last night UNC was able to beat the Duke Blue Devils on their home turf. I missed the first half the game last night due to work. So raced home hoping to catch the 2nd half of the game only find out that it was blacked out on ESPN b/c it was being covered on the local station. So I essentially taped 3/4 of alternate content. A win is always good so it wasn't all that bad.
So being all caught up with LOST was all ready to go for last night. This episode was no dissappointment I can't wait for next week.
School is keeping me pretty busy for the most part so most nights I have little time for anything else other than going straight to bed for being totally exhausted. In other words, I probably should be reading something right now instead of taking time to post content.
So being all caught up with LOST was all ready to go for last night. This episode was no dissappointment I can't wait for next week.
School is keeping me pretty busy for the most part so most nights I have little time for anything else other than going straight to bed for being totally exhausted. In other words, I probably should be reading something right now instead of taking time to post content.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Good morning sports-fans. All of you Tarheel fans may consider my loyalty when you read what I'm about to post but trust I'm loyal, devoted, Tarheel Blue through and through.
I was watching the morning addition of Sportscenter, and some college basketball highlights. I noticed how many school's student bodies imitate Duke's Cameron Crazies. I will admit that even my school Carson-Newman tried to play the intimidation card at our basketball games. Any time I see anyone other than the Cameron Crazies doing it I laugh. The sight of the entire student body bobbing up and down and cheering at Duke has to be one of the most unnerving things in all of sports.
I was watching the morning addition of Sportscenter, and some college basketball highlights. I noticed how many school's student bodies imitate Duke's Cameron Crazies. I will admit that even my school Carson-Newman tried to play the intimidation card at our basketball games. Any time I see anyone other than the Cameron Crazies doing it I laugh. The sight of the entire student body bobbing up and down and cheering at Duke has to be one of the most unnerving things in all of sports.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
A Busted Bank
This post is a testament to seminarians everywhere who've ever been down to their last quarters.
I feel that writing about it helps me calm down a little bit more. Thanks goes out to Woods a guy that I'm privileged to call friend. He truly was Christ in a moment when I needed it the most.
A few too many debits coming at the same time have left me with little less than $10.00 to my name. I tell you that first because initially my first thoughts were(who has my account info and who is stealing my money). After digging a little deeper I discovered that all my savings had been transferred to cover all the debits.
Those of you who know me well know that I don't respond well to bad news. I tend to "lose it" but eventually I calm down enough to see reason. It was the words of my friend and his prayer that helped me. I was reminded of the opening lines of the Book of James and took encouragement from that so I will leave you with that hoping that if today or this week has been a struggle for you that you might take comfort or find encouragement just as I did
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4(NIV)
I feel that writing about it helps me calm down a little bit more. Thanks goes out to Woods a guy that I'm privileged to call friend. He truly was Christ in a moment when I needed it the most.
A few too many debits coming at the same time have left me with little less than $10.00 to my name. I tell you that first because initially my first thoughts were(who has my account info and who is stealing my money). After digging a little deeper I discovered that all my savings had been transferred to cover all the debits.
Those of you who know me well know that I don't respond well to bad news. I tend to "lose it" but eventually I calm down enough to see reason. It was the words of my friend and his prayer that helped me. I was reminded of the opening lines of the Book of James and took encouragement from that so I will leave you with that hoping that if today or this week has been a struggle for you that you might take comfort or find encouragement just as I did
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4(NIV)
Monday, January 22, 2007
Tag Your It!!!!!
Well I've been tagged by Whipple in a fun little game internet tag you tag someone and that person must list 5 random/unique facts about yourself. Well I've been tagged so here I go:
Facts About Me:
1) I can remember reading about and saying that I wanted to be a volcanologist
2) I used to think Carman(the singer) was the best thing since sliced bread(oh how my tastes have developed)
3) I've been stopped a total of 3 times by the cops for no apparent reason(knock on internet wood)
4) In my younger days I was a Hardy Boys junkie
5) Eventually I want to learn and study Latin
Well lets keep this Going....I'm tagging Stilley and Bussey
Facts About Me:
1) I can remember reading about and saying that I wanted to be a volcanologist
2) I used to think Carman(the singer) was the best thing since sliced bread(oh how my tastes have developed)
3) I've been stopped a total of 3 times by the cops for no apparent reason(knock on internet wood)
4) In my younger days I was a Hardy Boys junkie
5) Eventually I want to learn and study Latin
Well lets keep this Going....I'm tagging Stilley and Bussey
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Maybe Just Maybe
Now maybe just maybe the SEC will get the respect it deserves as one of the best if not the best Conference in College Football.
It was total domination all night of Ohio St. A team who's average was 410 yards had 84 total yards all night. Just goes to show you the caliber of teams that Ohio St. played this year. It also shows you the caliber of the SEC.
I'm able to say this with no reservation and not feel bad being a UT fan saying it:
It was total domination all night of Ohio St. A team who's average was 410 yards had 84 total yards all night. Just goes to show you the caliber of teams that Ohio St. played this year. It also shows you the caliber of the SEC.
I'm able to say this with no reservation and not feel bad being a UT fan saying it:
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Getting Exposure
Well apparently my blog is getting exposure...further than I think it is. As of this writing I've been approached to do a book review. The book is entitled Confessions Of An Amateur Believer by Patty Kirk. May this be the first of many.
This will be my first test of the goal I set for myself for this New Year.
This will be my first test of the goal I set for myself for this New Year.
Keep it tuned to the CrazyScotsman Network all the latest....
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
My New Obession for the New Year
Well I have fallen victim to the latest and greatest craze known only as the LOST Phenomenon. Although not a true follower watching from the the shows inception till now. I have managed to catch-up by borrowing Seasons 1 & 2 from a friend. I must say I should have paced myself with watching the Season 3 episodes that are available thus far. I finished them late last week and now have to sit around like some kind of addict going through withdrawl waiting for February 7th to roll around.
A little commentary on LOST: its a shame that Mr. Eko had to die he was by far one of my favorite characters with Locke finishing in a close 2nd.
As for the New Year I didn't really make resolutions more like a goals. That goal being to read more not just online but printed material..."books"....as it were also to become more studious and disciplined when it comes many things but most important my academics.
A little commentary on LOST: its a shame that Mr. Eko had to die he was by far one of my favorite characters with Locke finishing in a close 2nd.
As for the New Year I didn't really make resolutions more like a goals. That goal being to read more not just online but printed material..."books"....as it were also to become more studious and disciplined when it comes many things but most important my academics.
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