Saturday, June 09, 2007

Reliant Upon the Sometimes Unreliable

I was amazed and found humor in the concept that we as a culture are at times so dependent on technology be it a computer, a cell phone, or laptop whatever the case may be when those things cease to function we can feel like and Pirate with a termite infested peg-leg.

This was my experience this past Wednesday, Thursday, and part of Friday. I'm a seminary student so money is tight so I'm unable to afford the cost of an actual phone line in my apartment so a cell phone is my only means of communication and contact with the exception of e-mail. Well My phone decided late Wednesday night that it didn't want to work anymore. I was unable to make any sort of phone call I ended up having to borrow my roommate's phone to talk to Cingular/AT&T customer service about insurance* and replacing my phone.

* I'm really thankful that I got insurance on my phone....initially when I setup my account I almost decided to fore go the extra cost.

1 comment:

A. Whipple said...

If you want, I'll send you some stamps and stationary.

Today's word-

Pelhhput : the ancient Egyptian slang for 'restroom'.