Friday, February 25, 2005

The Ups and Downs Part 2

I went through a series of emotions this week for some strange reason. I was really depressed and withdrawn I guess I can attribute that to being sick for the better part of this week of which I am much better. I was also feeling down because again I came to the realization that once this semester is over that will be it for my college career here at Carson Newman which has been my 2nd home for the past 3 1/2 years. I try not to dwell on that but every now and then it creeps back into my sub-concious and when it does I just get into this mindset that seem to manifests itself in a depressive mood. I really gets on my nerves cause I'm never the one to be dragging around unless its due to lack of sleep.

Well its common knowledge to most of my friends that I'm looking at Southern as the seminary where I will go to futher my knowledge and spiritual training. A certain professor has been constantly bringing up "goings on" at Southern I've been picking up subtle hints that this professor doesn't care for the the current situation at Southern even though he says that no discouragement is meant I still get the feeling that he doesn't look to favorable at Southern as being a place to seek further spiritual instruction.

The current situation being that the president and the recent hired faculty are of the hyper-calvinistic persuasion. My first thought on this is obviously they haven't read the New Testament in a while and figured out that Christ's Salvation is for everyone. Secondly, I consider it a challenge to attend there just as I have attended here at Carson Newman. My faith and beliefs are not easily ammended and everything that I am presented with I apply it to Scripture and judge it according to that. The word of God is the final authority period...

feel free to leave your thoughts on this......

1 comment:

Rikki said...

Thought this site might get'cha out of them dumps. Enjoy Brother.