I'm starting to love this newly discovered blogspot: http://ihatemyflatmate.blogspot.com
this is where this picture comes from

This Blog will be my personal monologue of my thoughts feelings and experiences whenever the inspiration strikes feel free to join in on the conversation. Little bit about me, my name is Jared Lucas and I'm a 29 year old graduate of Carson-Newman College. I currently reside in West Columbia, SC with my wife Katie. I am in my last year of my MDIV in Christian Ministry at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC.
My dear friend and APO Brother,
As it is well known amongst us here in our little apt. some of has shared in the duties of maid service but, not all. As we both well know, there is the little hermit we affectionaly call the Hobit who lives in his room,and when he passes by he rarely says hi,and has never cleaned a dish on his on that I've known. He has though on quite a few of occassions graced our sink by filling its basin with several dishes of his own.
I seem to recall that if theres no clean dish in the house, paper plates are his favorite to waste. With the plastic forks and spoons from within our drawn did soon dissappear quite suddenly when his girl comes over and stays late.
So with this I confess, I have done my very best, and with dishes I washed my fair share. But lo and behold I guess for the sake of us all, I will wash them again before they grow mold. For it would be a terrible sight if you have a girl over one night, and she ran from the pots and the pans.
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