Sunday, October 30, 2005

Learning To Love

Whats the word I'm searching for....smitten I think thats it and that would pretty much describe my feelings for this girl I met a week ago. I find myself thinking about her alot, wanting to talk to her(one would say just call reply being "I don't talk well on the phone") I find myself wondering when I'll have time off from work to go and see her. I think that would be a pretty good definition of the what I'm feeling right now.

And yet again I feel like a little kid learning to ride a bike for the first time. You know trying to ride that bike you wanted so hard to get it right the first time. They say you never forget how to ride a bike once you learn. Well I feel like that with the inklings of this new relationship I wanna make sure I get right on the first try and have it develop into something. But still I find myself wondering how much is too much and am I setting myself up for failure I never really had much confidence in the relationship dept.

Oh well I'm off this weekend so we'll see what happens. its just once step at a time and steady as she goes.

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