This Blog will be my personal monologue of my thoughts feelings and experiences whenever the inspiration strikes feel free to join in on the conversation. Little bit about me, my name is Jared Lucas and I'm a 29 year old graduate of Carson-Newman College. I currently reside in West Columbia, SC with my wife Katie. I am in my last year of my MDIV in Christian Ministry at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
2 more days
Well in just 2 short days I will be considered an official alumni of Carson Newman and I will be a college educated contributing member of society (ha ha ha). Still haven't heard anything from FedEx as of this evening but nevertheless I continue to try to contact them undaunted. I've got the wheels spinning on my application to Southeastern Seminary. Yes, the education for me never stops. I can remember when I was done with high school saying, "Yes!!!!, I'm done all I have is college and then I will never have to go to school again!!!" Well I'm looking forward to discipline focused education and not having to worry about Gen-Ed requirements needed for graduation. I thinking about going to pay my former youth group a visit tomorrow to see how they're doing with their new worship leader.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Steady On....
Well just cruisin through the 2nd week of Mayterm. Had our midterm today in Dr. Ballard's class. It's funny its the 2nd week of the class and already we've had our midterm and at the end of next week we will have our final.
I'm looking into the prospects of working for Fed-Ex for the summer so keep in prayer for me I'm heading into Knoxville to fill out an application I've already spoken with the person in charge of hiring and from the tone of his voice its looking promising. I do know not to get my hopes up I had the same aspirations for a job with Tate's Day camp last summer and that fell through the floor so I'm just taking it one day at a time but still I can't help but be optimistic.
I'm currently reading(yeah I know your saying, "Jared!! reading?) I was shocked too) C.S. Lewis' Reflections on the Psalms its so far its great I'm getting alot of insights from Lewis about the psalms that I've never considered before its great. I'm encourage all of you to find a copy and pick it up and read it.
I'm looking into the prospects of working for Fed-Ex for the summer so keep in prayer for me I'm heading into Knoxville to fill out an application I've already spoken with the person in charge of hiring and from the tone of his voice its looking promising. I do know not to get my hopes up I had the same aspirations for a job with Tate's Day camp last summer and that fell through the floor so I'm just taking it one day at a time but still I can't help but be optimistic.
I'm currently reading(yeah I know your saying, "Jared!! reading?) I was shocked too) C.S. Lewis' Reflections on the Psalms its so far its great I'm getting alot of insights from Lewis about the psalms that I've never considered before its great. I'm encourage all of you to find a copy and pick it up and read it.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Check These Out
Check out my night a mischief over at my xanga site... haha haha haha
1 Week Down.....
Well I made through the first week of Mayterm its on to the weekend I know your bored Sartain, Rick and I will try to get over your way tomorrow. Operative word being try. Star Wars was great reading the reviews most critics thought it was great as well I saw a nasty review however that said the only way to watch this movie is: "Drink the Kool-Aid. Wear blinders. Cover your ears. Because that's the only way you can totally enjoy Revenge of the Sith." Now I immediately got kinda of upset but I read who was doing the review and it was someone from rolling stone magazine so we already know what kind of movies he likes to see. I encourage anyone who loves Star Wars to go see this it really is the best of the 3 prequel movies and it closes the circle and connects alot of the dots from Episode III to Episode IV.
There is a youth group coming from FBC White Pine to do a lock-in @ the SAC at 2 A.M. apparently its one of those progressive lock-ins/lock-outs and they're choosing to finish at the MSAC @ 2 A.M. Well I decided to work the desk for cause it 5.15 an hour for 4 hours and on top of that because its such a weird start time Rick Hester is throwing in an extra 10.00 bucks so hey its not so bad I'll take my newly acquired Star Wars Episode 3 soundtrack (which is awesome) and the C.S. Lewis book that we have to read for Ballard's class and just chill out for a bit and load up on caffeine.
There is a youth group coming from FBC White Pine to do a lock-in @ the SAC at 2 A.M. apparently its one of those progressive lock-ins/lock-outs and they're choosing to finish at the MSAC @ 2 A.M. Well I decided to work the desk for cause it 5.15 an hour for 4 hours and on top of that because its such a weird start time Rick Hester is throwing in an extra 10.00 bucks so hey its not so bad I'll take my newly acquired Star Wars Episode 3 soundtrack (which is awesome) and the C.S. Lewis book that we have to read for Ballard's class and just chill out for a bit and load up on caffeine.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
It Starts Again....
Well today I officially started mayterm. I'm taking Dr. Ballard's Psalms course its sure to be a great class. I mean has to be we get to read a C.S. Lewis book as part of the class. I'm also working down at the MSAC control desk mostly in the early afternoon I hope cause I would rather be in my apartment or free to do other things at night rather than working. I'm pleased to announce that I'm officially a Geek and I'm going to the 12:01 AM showing of Star Wars Episode III Thursday morning. I'm going with my good buddies Josh Swinson and Aaron Wade. Oh did mention that the ticket is free. Yes Sartain, I know emerald green with envy. Like you said though how can you turn that down. Everything is very quiet around the App. Commons Rick and I are and two others are the only ones on the guys side.

Monday, May 16, 2005
Finishing Up
With graduation over its on to Mayterm to finish up my college education as of sorts then. After Mayterm ends hopefully if all goes well I will have an idea of where I'm going to seminary hopefully Southeastern. But before that happens I hope to have landed a church job by then so I can generate some income for seminary. So those you who read this blog with frequency please keep me in your prayers as I'm taking mayterm and getting the needed stuff into the admissions office @ southeastern.
Friday, May 13, 2005
Graduation is Upon Us
Tomorrow is the day that 4 years has been in preparation for. I'm set to graduate from Carson Newman tomorow I will become an alumni. Funny thing is when I think about an alumni I get this picture of a feeble old man and I'm definantly not one of those. So in a sense I can't really picture myself as an alumni yet. We (the graduating class) went through practice today and it was surreal to be walking through what will be happening less that 16 hours from now. It was also exciting to realize and know that I've made it.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Fond Memories Held Dear
I just finished watching We Were Soldiers with Adam and towards the end I was overcome with a river of memories that I've had the privilege of sharing with many. Most of them were with Adam.
Late night coffee sessions when the smarter have long since been in bed resting for the day ahead. Late night to early morning strolls in nostalgic downtown Jeff City, walking across the wind-swepted and rainy Cherokee Damn enjoying what Adam and I like to call "Good Scottish Weather." Staying up late to catch whether or not Conan O'Brien would do the famous "string dance" for us. The echoing sound of trains far off in the distance making their way through Jeff City. Late night talks about nothing at all, and some about the most serious of things. Nights when my body shouted emphatically, "Go to bed" I said, "shove off!!, I'm going to Perkins." Nights I've long to retreat to my bed there would Adam and Andy wanting me to watcha movie. Also hoping to catch a glimpse of the Govenator of Conan. In my memories I find myself again walking with Adam across the dam smoking my pipe and listening just listening to wind as it breezes along.
Late night coffee sessions when the smarter have long since been in bed resting for the day ahead. Late night to early morning strolls in nostalgic downtown Jeff City, walking across the wind-swepted and rainy Cherokee Damn enjoying what Adam and I like to call "Good Scottish Weather." Staying up late to catch whether or not Conan O'Brien would do the famous "string dance" for us. The echoing sound of trains far off in the distance making their way through Jeff City. Late night talks about nothing at all, and some about the most serious of things. Nights when my body shouted emphatically, "Go to bed" I said, "shove off!!, I'm going to Perkins." Nights I've long to retreat to my bed there would Adam and Andy wanting me to watcha movie. Also hoping to catch a glimpse of the Govenator of Conan. In my memories I find myself again walking with Adam across the dam smoking my pipe and listening just listening to wind as it breezes along.
Monday, May 09, 2005
5 days til CNC Alumni
Its kinda unsettling when you say it but its true in five days and a little mayterm I will be a Carson-Newman College Alumni. Gonna have to get one of those fancy license tag frames to advertise the fact.
I have to apologize for my lack of post as of late, I've been totally consumed with finishing up with school that by the time I get around to posting my mind is mush and incapable of forming coherent streams of thought. So at any time you see giberish that doesn't make any sense whatsoever you'll know that I attempted to post against all medical advice.
So yeah in about 5 days I close the proverbial door of my college career/life and walk across a stage and open another proverbial door call life. What awaits me is yet to be seen. I have pretty good idea that seminary education @ Southeastern Seminary is on the horizon. That is unless I land a church job where God wants me to serve. All that I leave to the one who knowns the plan that He has for me.
I have to apologize for my lack of post as of late, I've been totally consumed with finishing up with school that by the time I get around to posting my mind is mush and incapable of forming coherent streams of thought. So at any time you see giberish that doesn't make any sense whatsoever you'll know that I attempted to post against all medical advice.
So yeah in about 5 days I close the proverbial door of my college career/life and walk across a stage and open another proverbial door call life. What awaits me is yet to be seen. I have pretty good idea that seminary education @ Southeastern Seminary is on the horizon. That is unless I land a church job where God wants me to serve. All that I leave to the one who knowns the plan that He has for me.
Friday, May 06, 2005
Finals have begun
In the bittersweetness that is finals week I've entered into my last go around here at Carson Newman. I'm really looking forward to grauation and conducting my song its gonna be great. 8 days in counting 3 or 4 finals to go nothing major just finishing up papers that are our final grades in the class.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
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