Well...high time I put something on here its definantly been awhile. Few things to update everyone on. I'm delaying my enrollment to seminary for a year and will be going next Fall. I'm going back to Carson Newman depending on what they tell me about Gen Ed. I might be going back and finish my Comm. Arts Major if not I'll just work on stuff that will get me a minor or two. The reason is simply to up the GPA and make the resume look better.
FedEx is about to get the best of me. I remember when there was nothing too it getting up early when I was a kid, Desperately tearing downstairs in order to watch ever minute of Saturday Morning cartoons. Now its like performing major dental work(pulling teeth) to get me out of my bed nowadays.
Hopefully will get to spend some quality time tomorrow with a couple of my Fraternity brothers depending on who I can get ahold of.
I've given the ole'blogger a couple of tweaks for instance my links column is nicely divided up into categories finally figured out how to do that with html.
If your just cruising by and happen upon this blogger or if your a regular vistor and haven't done it yet(nerd) sign my Guest Map
Its down at the bottom of my page.

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