Sunday, July 17, 2005

People In Our Lives

Right now...Well not right now, but over the past few days I've been trying to figure out why God puts certain people in our lives. Is it so that we will make a good friend of them for the time that they are in our lives(speaking of Girls predominantly) or maybe that person is the one which God has selected for us to spend the rest of our lives with.

Then again are they in our lives to break our hearts over and over again and keep us riding the the ride which is the roller coaster of love. Its seems like a roller coaster cause twice now I've come to a high point where I think its going to go somewhere(well its does)it goes straight back down into the dumps back down to square one.

Its frustrating.......even maddening to an extent when faced with this kind of predicament as a good friend of mine put it when discussing this he said, "When are they going to make up their mind about what they want?" To this I could only say, "I don' t know." But, for now I will just sojourn on this road which I affectionately titled the other day the straight and narrow. I will trust and keep digging through the pages and drinking of the water that is the Word.

But for now.....that's all for my ranting and raving about that....tune in next time for a thrilling epic adventure from the CrazyScotsman

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