Thursday, July 08, 2004

Just Chuggin Along

Welp I've been at this 40 Days of purpose book for about 7 days now and already I've been reminded of some awesome truths that we tend to forget about when we become that snot-nosed Christian that we all become every once and awhile...thanks to all who are praying for me in keeping up with this book I haven't miss a day yet even when I though "Its too late to do this" I stayed up the extra 20 or so.. minutes to read the chapter for the day so thanks to all.

Right so I've been facing alot of No you can't and you will fail at this if you try kinda comments from alot people that I've asked advice from on the bagpipes and stuff this coming from professionals mind you who you think would be encouraging me to go for it. My whole thought on the thing is if I'm determined enough to learn and play the bagpipes I think you can teach yourself...yes I do plan to go to the lessons that the Knoxville Pipe Band offers on Mondays when I go back to school but for now with my crazy and unpredictable work schedule I can't go. I think I can learn the basics enough to where I can play stuff.

So yeah along with my Bagpipe learning and playing my brother brought back a penny/tin whistle from his trip to England, Ireland, and Wales so I've been messing around with that and making up stuff so chalk up another instrument to my repetoir

A guy ask me if I would be playing my pipes at school and stuff and I said I would take them to Football games that would add another noise maker to the Mossy Creek Maniac section now wouldn't it HA HA HA

Welp thats gonna be all he wrote for this one....


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