Sunday, December 05, 2004

Signs of Age

It's weird the most special of things are the things that make you realize your getting old. One of those things the wedding of two of my best friends. I had the honor and privilege of being in Josh and Brenda's wedding yesterday. Standing there watching that ceremony yesterday caused my to see things in a different light. We are no longer kids we are slowly, (or fastly) becoming grown-up adults. It was also saddening abit to see such love and it is the experience or rather the non-experience of this writer to have never have had the first inklings of that kinda of love. But instead sitting here wallowing in a pool of self pity I trust in faith though very hard at times that God will bring the one he prepared long ago for me.
Enough of this depressing account We (Carson-Newman folk) are steadily approaching the end of the semester with finals coming up all will be hard at work to pass classes needed to graduate (especially me), look forward to the christmas holidays and long and extended break from school time to spend with family I'm glad its almost here cause burn-out is definantly becoming a reality with my ministry at FBC Mo'town.

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