Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Wow what night/morning

Well...You know that all that work I mentioned in my previous post well it wasn't really a lot it more like one huge paper, yes an exegesis of 2 Samuel 7 that was coming due that I had yet to start on. Why did I wait? You ask well as my mom simply put: "your male its your nature to put things off thinking [I'll have plenty of time to do that]

Well as soon as the library opened at 3:00 on Sunday I went and got an armful of books on my particular subject and retreated home to K-town more specifically my house where until the almost dawn hour of 4:00 A.M. I worked feverishly on my paper you will all be relieved to know that I got most of it done. I'm now in the process of adding a point here and there as suggested by my resource professor and polishing up and all the grammatical smudges and then it should be ready to turn in.

I would like to express my thanks to everyone who has been lifting me up in prayer recently when I got the majority of my paper done I felt this heavy burden lift. I had been so worked up about completing the assignment in order to pass and graduate; that I had been having trouble falling asleep and sleeping much less doing anything besides just sitting and dwelling on the fear of the unknown. Trust me never get like that its the worst feeling in the world. It even began to put strains on my friendships specifically my friendship with my dear friend Adam. At times I would be short and even to the point of snapping at him. He told me later in our "Come to Jesus" meeting (uh..That's church-talk for a long sit-down talk) that we wanted nothing more to knock me out with one good punch. Well we confessed to each other what the Spirit had convicted of us of and we are better and closer because of it.

well I have to be up tomorrow morning at 5 to be at work at 6 so...thats gonna be about it

thanks for taking the time to all come back now ya hear!!!!

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