Friday, November 12, 2004

Lots of Work

Welp....Inching closer and closer to the end of my last fall semester here at Good Ole Carson Newman yes yes I know you say aww how sad and I would agree but right now there is so much on my shoulders right now in terms of work and stuff that is due. I do a good job of not making it apparent that I'm worried about graduating in May at this point but step back and realize all I have to do is sit down and get it done I'll pass the class and I'll be able to move on to the ultimate last semester.

So the TBC (Tennessee Baptist Convention) was this week and once again Carson Newman came under fire as it usually does around the 2nd week of November every year. It saddens me to see how much strife and division there is within the body of Christ.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you called to peace and be thankful. Colossians 3:15

I was reading several passages last night and I came across the above-mentioned; I thought God wants us all to be united when we are alienated from one another is breaks His Heart. The Carson Newman issue lies within this one thing as posed by Dr. Garner this morning in my class when people here Carson Newman a "Christian" Liberals Arts College they latch onto the bold word and have the image of a strictly bible/apologetic college. Which is not the case Carson Newman offers the Christian message and teaching it completely. Carson Newman also offers these other ideas; its up to you and your own faith to determine what you believe to be truth. Another thing in dealing with this issue you choose where to attend college and by no means are you bound to that school until you complete your secondary education you are completely free to transfer and attend other schools of learning. When it all boils down its a element of fear, and a lack of faith.

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