Friday, November 05, 2004

Whew!!! That Was Close

Now that all this election hubub is over I can say with conviction that I'm glad that President Bush was re-elected to a second term. I prayed all day tuesday for the election and at first felt guilty for doing cause I know that God is neither republican nor democrat he is above all that and furthermore he's in control of everything. Adam Whipple one of my best friends had a great word for me Monday when I was talking to him about this he said that yes, God is in control but he also understands that while we are here on this earth we will elect leaders that will govern us; so its not selfish to pray for the election. So my prayer was that this country would elect the candadite that had integrity and is man of God both publicly and privately. Yes another Adam moment when he was explaining to me that reason behind his vote he said that he vote for Bush because he would rather have a non-eloquent who appears real and genuine rather than a smart over educated man that would lie to his face.

I voted for Bush which according surveys is a gross minority amongst 18-30 years olds who are supposed skue Kerry/Edwards. I voted for Bush because he is a man of God and it is evident that he is such. I believe that he will seek God's will for how to proceed in Iraq and Afaghanistan and the whole war on terror; and not a politcal will.

Those are my thoughts on Election and Decision 20o4 which I'm glad to say is over.

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