Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Its a Funny Thing

Today in my History of Christianity class we had a guest speaker the dean of admissions from Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary... What he had to say was very interesting about aspects of being "called" into the ministry he asked the class if anyone had experience a call from God several including me raised our hands indicating that we had. He went around asking us to tell how that had happen.

It was weird listening to him plugging the seminary at the end of class this afternoon(being that I've pretty much decided on New Orleans as my seminary of choices) he was asked about what the seminary stands for....He mentioned the scenario of someone being homosexual...He said that "they" the college deal with the orientation of the person however Eastern Seminary acknowledges that the bible does not condone homosexual activity. That in my mind is a contradiction sounds like to me Eastern Seminary would rather waffle on biblical principle rather than offending a homosexual person applying to their seminary.

On the subject of Seminary I'm headed down to New Orleans next weekend to tour the campus I'm looking forward to it. I hope that by going down there God will solidify his impression upon me to go to New Orleans cause at times I know I've been sitting in my room at night considering how far it is from Knoxville, TN but then I sit back realize that I have a God who loves me and Parents who love I know that if this is where I'm supposed to go then they will see to it that I'm ok.

New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

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