Friday, October 22, 2004

Fall Break

So for Carson Newman Fall Break is now upon us the majority of the students here have left for break some going to the beach for one last hoorah; others have gone home to get some much needed rest and good food for a change. I alas must remain here atleast until Sunday because of my responsibilities as an intern at FBC Mo'town. We are having special guests attending on Sunday that being the Carson Newman basketball teams. John wants special music and I being the worship leader must be there. All is not lost though after my duties have been fulfilled I will be making the trek home to K-town to spend some time with the Parental Units (Mom and Dad) and my brother. My brother asked me the other day how old you have to be to go see a R. movie; because wants to go see Team America World Police. With his plans foiled I decided that I would take him cause it looks really funny and I myself want to go see it. I'm also looking forward to seeing my friend Josh he was able to come up for the homecoming weekend last week and it was really fun having him and his very unique since of humor. Its been awhile since I've flung the frisbee golf discs so I'm looking forward to doing that. Well the semester is shaping up to be a race to the finish. I found out today that one of my favorite professors is teaching a class that I need for my major so that was a big relief cause I have had him for several classes so I'm really familiar with his teaching style so its gonna be all good. looking forward to graduating and then attending New Orleans Seminary in the fall.

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