Wednesday, March 24, 2004

So Here's The Story....

I found out that Adam Whipple, Nick Campell, Josh Swinson, and I all got in as a group to the Appalachain Commons its the Apartment-like complex on that was good news and a bit of relief because one of the prequisites is that you had to have a 2.0 minimum GPA well I have 1.99 I know most people probably wouldn't worry about it but I did so that was a big relief....It's really funny it seems that everytime that I get really really excited to go to Yoke Club they end up not having it...which was the case last night I was ready to go and Jayme and I left and driving up to the school I realize that Knox County Schools are on Spring Break this week...meaning when the kids have a break they don't have Jayme and I just took joy ride to Carter and back which was fun in itself.

Thats about it for me hope that All you read this have a wonderful day!! and God Bless.

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