Thursday, January 03, 2008

Late Nights, Crazy Things

I tend to do crazy things when I stay up late at night. like writing on this joker, most of my entries tend to be late at night way past 12:00 in the AM.

Well I can remember one of my goals that I made for 2007 and that goal was to read more. Well except for school; I would say that I didn't accomplish that goal. Well as Martin Luther (reformer) said, "Here I stand." I'm renewing that goal this year and hope achieve and surpass the goal.

For some strange reason (we'll just brag on the Holy Spirit) I feel impressed to pick the the Celebration of Discipline up again which I pseudo-read @ Carson Newman for Spiritual Growth and Development.

I also would have to extend "big ups" to Feldman his cooperative study made refreshed Foster's work and my need to read it again.


Anonymous said...

I loved Celebration of Discipline..I really learned a lot from that book!!

Anonymous said...

Great book, still read it. Changing the subject though, I just recently visited Carson-Newman's Website for the first time in a long while. Just when was Dr. Garner replaced as the Head of the Religion Dept. by Dr. Crutchley? Continued on my blog site.

Jared Lucas said...

Dr. Crutchley is a former seminary professor I think the change was made to make Carson-Newman look more attractive to the extreme conservatives.

The Religion Dept. is its own division its no longer under the humanities.