Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Get LOST buddy

Well the moment that all us LOST fans have been waiting for is here. The first episode of season 4 is almost upon us. Finally we'll start making progress towards getting questions answered: Who's on the other end of the Satellite phone?, Who or what is Jacob?, What's Walt doing back?, How is it that Locke is not dead after being shot by Ben?, Did Charlie in fact die?(he can hold his breath for long time if you remember)

The only unfortunate thing is that I'll have to catch on video player cause my duties @ UPS prevent me from watching any Prime Time television, in other words I miss all the good shows even the news for crying out loud; I guess that's where reading a newspaper comes in handy.

I had myself a "Come to Jesus meeting" early last week in which the Holy Spirit really got a hold of me, finally getting my attention( in an Apostle Paul/Damascus Rd way) about my attitude towards schoolwork, reading, studying. Those of you who are really close to me know the story behind all this. Those of you who would like to know feel free to e-mail me and I'll be glad to fill you in. May God get the glory in all this including my sincere change of attitude, repentance, and study habits. The ministry and training for that are both two serious issues not to be taken or entered into lightly. That was just one of things that the Holy Spirit made very apparent to me.

In all of this I am most thankful for the unconditional grace and mercy that was bought for me through Christ's sacrifice, as well as my rock-solid friends (you know who you are) that were there to talk things out and pray with me @ a moment's notice.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Late Night Marketing

Up late because I can't sleep or I just can't seem to get all the college student knocked out of my system. Anyways, all that said to mention that I find commercials are apparently geared to the people who are turning on the TV after getting it on and extremely overweight individuals. One commercial after another for natural male enhancement and ads for fat burners. What has this world come to.

Celebration of Discipline has been great thus far. I've been reading through slowly for couple of reasons: 1. I'm A.D.D. (seriously) I have trouble sitting in one spot for an extended period of time and doing something requires me to sit still. 2. I'm reading it slowly to garner all that I can. I must confess more emphasis must be placed upon reason #1

I am garnering a lot thus far. It was very refreshing to read the chapter on the "Discipline of Prayer" and be reminded that all too often are prayers can become all too selfish. We pray asking know what God's will is for "our" lives. I've come to understand that God will work his will and purpose irregardless of us, and that our prayers should be more along the lines of Let God's will be done and give me the privilege of being apart of what you are doing.

As for being apart of God's Will: I have possibly the amazing opportunity laid before me of going to East Asia to work on a college campus teaching English( I'm guessing conversational). I've always had a desire for short-term missions and my yes for long term has always been on the table. Essentially if God's calls me I'll go. Please all of you who read this be praying for sense of confirmation that I am to go. As well as the money that a trip of this magnitude requires.

There have been a lot of thing happening lately, Classes start back up this Thursday so I will be buckle your hat on time

But I promise to keep up to date with fresh fodder atleast one if not more post(s) a week.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Gone the way of the Dodo

Well as I planned I was back at running and working out this morning. It didn't take long for me to realize that if you don't keep at a weight loss/exercise plan the endurance you've built gradually decides to go on vacation.

On the reading front I've not even finished the 2nd chapter yet and I've already been hit my the mack truck of truth that is contained with the pages of "Celebration of Discipline" . I've already been able to identify myself within pages. Foster talks about how we often deal with slavery of ingrained sin. Foster says, "We launch a frontal attack....We rely on our willpower determination.....the struggle is all in vain and we again find ourselves once again morally bankrupt.

As Emmet Fox is quoted, "As soon as you resist mentally to a undesirable or unwanted circumstance you thereby endow it with more power...power with which it will use against you" once you've depleted the strength of your determination.

It makes sense that a person shouldn't be able to resist sin on his own just like attaining salvation by oneself....simply impossible without the help of Jesus Christ's sacrifice through the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Late Nights, Crazy Things

I tend to do crazy things when I stay up late at night. like writing on this joker, most of my entries tend to be late at night way past 12:00 in the AM.

Well I can remember one of my goals that I made for 2007 and that goal was to read more. Well except for school; I would say that I didn't accomplish that goal. Well as Martin Luther (reformer) said, "Here I stand." I'm renewing that goal this year and hope achieve and surpass the goal.

For some strange reason (we'll just brag on the Holy Spirit) I feel impressed to pick the the Celebration of Discipline up again which I pseudo-read @ Carson Newman for Spiritual Growth and Development.

I also would have to extend "big ups" to Feldman his cooperative study made refreshed Foster's work and my need to read it again.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Bowl Mania

Well sports fans the 2007-2008 Bowl season is almost in the books and once again the message has been shouted loud and clear.


as of this post the SEC is 6-2 in bowls played so far