Sunday, June 19, 2005

Rolling in the Money

Well the addition of another job has been most beneficial the past 2 days. I'm now a table buser at Lakeside Tavern in Farragut. Along with my 5.15 an hour I get a share/percentage of the tips that are taken in. It very handy to get a sum of cash every night that I work consecutive days.

Well I'm glad to say that I have the next couple of days off to relax and recooperate from the weekend's crazy schedule. I'm heading up to my Alma mater tomorrow to get my final paycheck from working in the MSAC during in Mayterm. So as I sit here and enjoy a nice cold Killians Irish Red, watching Family Guy on Adult Swim, and rest my tired hurting feet.

I hope everyone is having a good summer send some comments my way and let me know what your up to you happen by the way of this blog....

Grace and Peace to you All.....

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