Original Post is found Ed Stetzer's blog:
Watch this video of Penn from the act Penn and Teller, and his thoughts on receiving a bible.
Oh that we were all like this particular witness who shared with Penn.
This Blog will be my personal monologue of my thoughts feelings and experiences whenever the inspiration strikes feel free to join in on the conversation. Little bit about me, my name is Jared Lucas and I'm a 29 year old graduate of Carson-Newman College. I currently reside in West Columbia, SC with my wife Katie. I am in my last year of my MDIV in Christian Ministry at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Traveling the Well-Worn Path
One thing I've found in the journey thus far I find that the path that we travel as Christians as well worn; not only by those who have gone before us, but sadly by our own two feet. I can freely admit to all who would read this offering, that many times before I've walked past a familiar tree or rock along the way that I can swear I've seen before. Sadly, truth be known I have seen that tree or that rock.
How we come by that familiar rock or tree is that we get it within ourselves that we know the way and can get to where we are going without the help we so desperately need. So despite the fact that we have a very knowledgeable guide(the Holy Spirit) and a very detailed map(The Word) we strike out on our own and the inevitable eventually happens and we are lost and unable to find the way.
Luckily enough we have a compassionate guide who loves us and is not dismayed by the fact that we have delayed our arrival to our final destination, who will come and find us right where we are, and put us squarely back on the path towards to end goal.
I've been re-tracing my steps along this Well-Worn Path as of late, passing familiar landmarks and taking joy in the fact that I serve a gracious and compassionate God and Savior knowing that it is not bad thing that I am re-traveling this part of the path so long as I am now a better man and servant by it. I only hope that by glancing back if only for moment at where I've been I'll be encouraged and know that it is by God's grace that I've been restored and with his power and help I won't go back to where I've been.
How we come by that familiar rock or tree is that we get it within ourselves that we know the way and can get to where we are going without the help we so desperately need. So despite the fact that we have a very knowledgeable guide(the Holy Spirit) and a very detailed map(The Word) we strike out on our own and the inevitable eventually happens and we are lost and unable to find the way.
Luckily enough we have a compassionate guide who loves us and is not dismayed by the fact that we have delayed our arrival to our final destination, who will come and find us right where we are, and put us squarely back on the path towards to end goal.
I've been re-tracing my steps along this Well-Worn Path as of late, passing familiar landmarks and taking joy in the fact that I serve a gracious and compassionate God and Savior knowing that it is not bad thing that I am re-traveling this part of the path so long as I am now a better man and servant by it. I only hope that by glancing back if only for moment at where I've been I'll be encouraged and know that it is by God's grace that I've been restored and with his power and help I won't go back to where I've been.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
A Time of Contemplation.....
Yes I know this submission is out of no where considering my last offering was sometime back in August.
Considering the road that I have traveled over the past 2 1/2 months a lot has transpired. Many things that I wish hadn't happen, but I can't help that now. However there are some things that have happen that I'm glad that I was able to be apart of.
In the words of Andrew Osenga from his song "Hold the Light" I would agree with him that "it's been a long year, like sleepless night." These past months have seemed to be 3 times as long as they usually feel.
I have repented and asked forgiveness for a lot of things, the trouble is making this spirit of mine wrapped in this flesh believe that forgiveness and rest in it, (really rest in it) and be content.
Being content and at peace with the way things are for me right is easier said than done. I'll just be honest its a struggle. There is one thing that more or less is constantly on my mind, and all the time I wish that I could have this "Thing" back. However, I both know and believe that God's will be done and however that plays out is fine with me.
These past two months or so have been spent determining yet again how I can best serve the kingdom believing that I've been called to vocational ministry service, and at the same time determining if vocational service is what I am in fact called to. I've always felt drawn to Student Ministry and Worship. That's what I'm pursuing as of this submission.
This has also been a time of contemplation given the choices that lay before me, trouble is of the choices I have both are equally good.
Considering the road that I have traveled over the past 2 1/2 months a lot has transpired. Many things that I wish hadn't happen, but I can't help that now. However there are some things that have happen that I'm glad that I was able to be apart of.
In the words of Andrew Osenga from his song "Hold the Light" I would agree with him that "it's been a long year, like sleepless night." These past months have seemed to be 3 times as long as they usually feel.
I have repented and asked forgiveness for a lot of things, the trouble is making this spirit of mine wrapped in this flesh believe that forgiveness and rest in it, (really rest in it) and be content.
Being content and at peace with the way things are for me right is easier said than done. I'll just be honest its a struggle. There is one thing that more or less is constantly on my mind, and all the time I wish that I could have this "Thing" back. However, I both know and believe that God's will be done and however that plays out is fine with me.
These past two months or so have been spent determining yet again how I can best serve the kingdom believing that I've been called to vocational ministry service, and at the same time determining if vocational service is what I am in fact called to. I've always felt drawn to Student Ministry and Worship. That's what I'm pursuing as of this submission.
This has also been a time of contemplation given the choices that lay before me, trouble is of the choices I have both are equally good.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Have It Your Way: Worship
This second post will focus of worship within the church.
The debate that rages within the church is what kind of worship will be used. There are those who see the old and favored Hymns of the faith as outdated and boring. Therefore they choose to avoid churches which fall into that category.
What is worship is it performance for the congregation by the Choir and Musicians? or performance for the King? We should be conscious of what worship was designed and created for. It was created and designed for the enjoyment of Lord. We should sing praises to Him whatever they may be, with all our might.
If Nothing else we should worship the Lord for the work that he's done in our lives.
The debate that rages within the church is what kind of worship will be used. There are those who see the old and favored Hymns of the faith as outdated and boring. Therefore they choose to avoid churches which fall into that category.
What is worship is it performance for the congregation by the Choir and Musicians? or performance for the King? We should be conscious of what worship was designed and created for. It was created and designed for the enjoyment of Lord. We should sing praises to Him whatever they may be, with all our might.
If Nothing else we should worship the Lord for the work that he's done in our lives.
Monday, August 04, 2008
Have It Your Way: Dating the Church
This potential blogging series comes from a discussion I had yesterday morning.
We @ Bayleaf Baptist Church and the College and Young Adults class have small groups known as wePods. The name comes from the concept that this culture and the people in it have become very "I" centered and cause Ipods are so cool . We are attempting and succeeding to come together as the body of Christ patterning the meeting of these groups after the early church as described in Acts 2:42.
The title comes from the commitment issues that we have been having recently. People having been using wePod and Wednesday nights as a substitute for the fellowship that is meant to be had on and during Sunday Mornings. Now for some I can understand, being that our church very traditional in terms of it's liturgy and discipline. People will come to our wePods and our Wednesday Night but when it comes to Sunday mornings they are no where to be found.
I believe that Bible clearly speaks to that of serving the body rather than being served by the the body. In fact the verse that sticks out in my mind that is usually applied around Christmas time but should be practiced year round is: "It is better to give than to receive."
All this to say be committed to a local body wherever that might be and serve that body. Don't simply "date" the church for it's good things then fail to show cause you find some parts to be boring or way too traditional.
We @ Bayleaf Baptist Church and the College and Young Adults class have small groups known as wePods. The name comes from the concept that this culture and the people in it have become very "I" centered and cause Ipods are so cool . We are attempting and succeeding to come together as the body of Christ patterning the meeting of these groups after the early church as described in Acts 2:42.
The title comes from the commitment issues that we have been having recently. People having been using wePod and Wednesday nights as a substitute for the fellowship that is meant to be had on and during Sunday Mornings. Now for some I can understand, being that our church very traditional in terms of it's liturgy and discipline. People will come to our wePods and our Wednesday Night but when it comes to Sunday mornings they are no where to be found.
I believe that Bible clearly speaks to that of serving the body rather than being served by the the body. In fact the verse that sticks out in my mind that is usually applied around Christmas time but should be practiced year round is: "It is better to give than to receive."
All this to say be committed to a local body wherever that might be and serve that body. Don't simply "date" the church for it's good things then fail to show cause you find some parts to be boring or way too traditional.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Back From the Black Hole....
Well I'm back from the far reaches of cyber-space. Honestly I think I can say that my New Years Resolution to post once a week came to naught a long time ago.
Yesterday was my last day running myself ragged working 2 jobs. This summer I've been pulling double duty by working as part of the Carpentry Crew on the Facilities Management Staff @ SEBTS and working UPS.
So needless to say it been less than restful summer but I've managed to hang in there. We start the fall semester in a week and a half and personally I'm ready to get back to into a routine and schedule. The new semester always brings with it a fresh start so to speak.
On the journey of faith side of things. The analogy of the potter and the clay is a good description of my life. However in my case give the lump of clay a mind of it's own and that would be an even more accurate description. A constant war between the flesh and the spirit. The lesson learned and relearned is to ultimately bring everything that I am under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. As part of my daily time in the word Rebekah and I have been cruising' steadily through the book of Romans and its been a blessing and treat every step of the way. We both we're marveling the other day @ how well the Apostle Paul presents his argument and how well he presents evidence for the validity of his argument.
As for Rebekah and I as of this post we've been dating for and to use a 'Saved By The Bell' term going "steady" for right at a little over 4 months. I must say it has been some of the best times of my life. However, it has not been without its struggles and difficulties which I am happy to say have only lead to our relationship getting stronger,closer and deeper. I love every minute that I get to spend with Her and her Daughter, they have to be two of my favorite people in the world.
Yesterday was my last day running myself ragged working 2 jobs. This summer I've been pulling double duty by working as part of the Carpentry Crew on the Facilities Management Staff @ SEBTS and working UPS.
So needless to say it been less than restful summer but I've managed to hang in there. We start the fall semester in a week and a half and personally I'm ready to get back to into a routine and schedule. The new semester always brings with it a fresh start so to speak.
On the journey of faith side of things. The analogy of the potter and the clay is a good description of my life. However in my case give the lump of clay a mind of it's own and that would be an even more accurate description. A constant war between the flesh and the spirit. The lesson learned and relearned is to ultimately bring everything that I am under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. As part of my daily time in the word Rebekah and I have been cruising' steadily through the book of Romans and its been a blessing and treat every step of the way. We both we're marveling the other day @ how well the Apostle Paul presents his argument and how well he presents evidence for the validity of his argument.
As for Rebekah and I as of this post we've been dating for and to use a 'Saved By The Bell' term going "steady" for right at a little over 4 months. I must say it has been some of the best times of my life. However, it has not been without its struggles and difficulties which I am happy to say have only lead to our relationship getting stronger,closer and deeper. I love every minute that I get to spend with Her and her Daughter, they have to be two of my favorite people in the world.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Amazed By Grace
This might be a recycled title, and if it is good we should never ever treat grace as common place something that we tuck in our back pocket. Christ didn't go to the cross and endure all that he suffered for nothing. Sadly, alot of the evangelical community I feel don't have a real grasp on this concept. And if they do I hope that this would serve as a good reminder/refresher/encourager.
We treat the concept of grace and forgiveness sins as a elementary school permission slip to sin. If we/you have true regenerate heart your attitude towards sin should be one of waging war against it hating when you do do it, and avoiding it at all costs. Grace is there as an assurance of forgivness not as a means of permission. The concept, that we can do anything that merits even an ounce of righteousness is foolish. I for one used to be this person. Who thought that I could be good and do good deeds can merit me righteousness or favor with God. The realization was so relieving because the previous lifestyle was tiresome cause you worked to so hard to please God.
The ultimate realization, that we are totally depraved and there is no good within us and we cannot do anything enough to make us good and it is only through the shed blood of Christ that we can even hope to attain righteousness. In Christ God is already pleased with us, through Christ's sacrifice he views us as he does his son...Blameless....provided that we have confessed our sins and believe on and in the name of Christ.
I for one am amazed by grace. There is so much wrath that I deserve and right so, and there are so many things that I have been given that I don't deserve as well.
I'm grateful and thankful the covenant faithfulness of God my King.
We treat the concept of grace and forgiveness sins as a elementary school permission slip to sin. If we/you have true regenerate heart your attitude towards sin should be one of waging war against it hating when you do do it, and avoiding it at all costs. Grace is there as an assurance of forgivness not as a means of permission. The concept, that we can do anything that merits even an ounce of righteousness is foolish. I for one used to be this person. Who thought that I could be good and do good deeds can merit me righteousness or favor with God. The realization was so relieving because the previous lifestyle was tiresome cause you worked to so hard to please God.
The ultimate realization, that we are totally depraved and there is no good within us and we cannot do anything enough to make us good and it is only through the shed blood of Christ that we can even hope to attain righteousness. In Christ God is already pleased with us, through Christ's sacrifice he views us as he does his son...Blameless....provided that we have confessed our sins and believe on and in the name of Christ.
I for one am amazed by grace. There is so much wrath that I deserve and right so, and there are so many things that I have been given that I don't deserve as well.
I'm grateful and thankful the covenant faithfulness of God my King.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Where The Time Goes.....I Haven't A Clue
My sentiment is exactly as the title says....Where has time gone the last time I was with you all (the Blogosphere) it was the end of March and the crispness of cool was still in the air at least is was here in Merry ole Wake Forest.
Well, where do I begin, there have been several developments in the this seminarian's life. We're in the last two weeks of the semester and we are full speed ahead at maximum warp. I've been as late really at study in the Epistles especially Corinthians in which God really revealed to me that ministry is to be about proclaiming one thing and that one thing is Christ and him crucified (ref. 1 Cor 1:22). That we should glorify God in all things even in our bodies because we are not our own that we were bought with a price (ref. 1 Cor 6:19-20). I have also been in study around abouts 1 John in which God is showing the evidences of those who truly know him. In recent weeks here @ Southeastern in chapel we've heard from the likes of Johnny Hunt who for one never disappoints, and James MacDonald who offered a message of perseverance in ministry from the text of 2 Timothy 4.
And, The most significant of all the events that have taken is that God has blessed me with the woman I think and I am confident is the one that I have been waiting for. Her name is Rebekah(yes, spelled like the Hebrew a plus!!). She is native of Wake Forest and North Carolina(my momma always wanted me to find a Carolina Girl). Our relationship is so unique and we fit together and compliment each other so well that it can only be the blessing of God. Our relationship is also special is because Christ is our treasure first and foremost and our love for each other flows out of our love for Christ. She is so special to me and it is funny there are things about her that I can remember praying to God asking him for. As of this posting we've been dating for a little over a month. I couldn't ask for more.
Well, where do I begin, there have been several developments in the this seminarian's life. We're in the last two weeks of the semester and we are full speed ahead at maximum warp. I've been as late really at study in the Epistles especially Corinthians in which God really revealed to me that ministry is to be about proclaiming one thing and that one thing is Christ and him crucified (ref. 1 Cor 1:22). That we should glorify God in all things even in our bodies because we are not our own that we were bought with a price (ref. 1 Cor 6:19-20). I have also been in study around abouts 1 John in which God is showing the evidences of those who truly know him. In recent weeks here @ Southeastern in chapel we've heard from the likes of Johnny Hunt who for one never disappoints, and James MacDonald who offered a message of perseverance in ministry from the text of 2 Timothy 4.
And, The most significant of all the events that have taken is that God has blessed me with the woman I think and I am confident is the one that I have been waiting for. Her name is Rebekah(yes, spelled like the Hebrew a plus!!). She is native of Wake Forest and North Carolina(my momma always wanted me to find a Carolina Girl). Our relationship is so unique and we fit together and compliment each other so well that it can only be the blessing of God. Our relationship is also special is because Christ is our treasure first and foremost and our love for each other flows out of our love for Christ. She is so special to me and it is funny there are things about her that I can remember praying to God asking him for. As of this posting we've been dating for a little over a month. I couldn't ask for more.
bible study,
James MacDonald,
Johnny Hunt,
Monday, March 31, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Work Out Your Faith
Last week was midterm week here @ SEBTS so I was unable to keep up with my new years pledge: a post/ a week.
The title for this post comes from life in living color. I've been in the word as of late and have really been giving a lot of thought on the matter of saving faith what that truly looks like and is. I was really struck by a message by John Piper who during the course of his sermon series on unbelief said that "walking an aisle", "signing a card", "praying a prayer" does not get it done in terms of faith that is salvific. Where my thought process has been taking me lately is wondering whether or not my faith is more than just some "prayer prayed" or some "aisle walked"
That saving faith is a matter of heart and mind not just the mind. When you truly treasure, love, and trust Jesus that is when your faith becomes salvific.
The title for this post comes from life in living color. I've been in the word as of late and have really been giving a lot of thought on the matter of saving faith what that truly looks like and is. I was really struck by a message by John Piper who during the course of his sermon series on unbelief said that "walking an aisle", "signing a card", "praying a prayer" does not get it done in terms of faith that is salvific. Where my thought process has been taking me lately is wondering whether or not my faith is more than just some "prayer prayed" or some "aisle walked"
That saving faith is a matter of heart and mind not just the mind. When you truly treasure, love, and trust Jesus that is when your faith becomes salvific.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Fighting the Fight.....
With such titles as Your Best Life Now, and Become A Better You Which preach of a Gospel of "Think happy thoughts and you and Jesus will be best buddies and everything will be alright" It's wonder why so many us are and get discouraged from time to time. (But, why I thought that if I thought good, positive thoughts about my faith that I would be secure and life will be easy).(I know I'm picking on a single individual here but it's so easy sometimes, and if I'm wrong let be proven so)
*Snap Back to Reality* (for all you Slim Shady fans)
The almighty inspired word of God doesn't refer to this life as a "fight of faith"(1 Tim 6:12) and mentions the likes of armor such as shield of faith, and helmet of salvation (Ephesians 6:16-17a) Just for kicks. The Christian life is not easy I know the more advance theologians in my particular part of the blogosphere would say something along the lines of "Elementary my dear Lucas" but I speak of these things only because of recent experience. I've recently been seeking the face of God and asking him to show me my heart and the deepest and darkest parts of it. Asking him to reveal any sin that I might still be harboring within. He did not fail in doing so. But at the same time the Enemy was working double time and vigorously at that to try and convince me that the conviction that the Holy Spirit was bringing about was no big deal.
In the end it was my desire to be right fellowship and once again on the straight and narrow path led to to repentance, confession and forgiveness and grace.
The Christian Life is a fight but you are not helpless in this war against the enemy and unbelief
-just word of encouragement from my own life this early A.M.
*Snap Back to Reality* (for all you Slim Shady fans)
The almighty inspired word of God doesn't refer to this life as a "fight of faith"(1 Tim 6:12) and mentions the likes of armor such as shield of faith, and helmet of salvation (Ephesians 6:16-17a) Just for kicks. The Christian life is not easy I know the more advance theologians in my particular part of the blogosphere would say something along the lines of "Elementary my dear Lucas" but I speak of these things only because of recent experience. I've recently been seeking the face of God and asking him to show me my heart and the deepest and darkest parts of it. Asking him to reveal any sin that I might still be harboring within. He did not fail in doing so. But at the same time the Enemy was working double time and vigorously at that to try and convince me that the conviction that the Holy Spirit was bringing about was no big deal.
In the end it was my desire to be right fellowship and once again on the straight and narrow path led to to repentance, confession and forgiveness and grace.
The Christian Life is a fight but you are not helpless in this war against the enemy and unbelief
-just word of encouragement from my own life this early A.M.
Armor of God,
Fluff Theology
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Meaning and Significance
I can remember a very bitter time in my life. The time was during my years of study @ Carson-Newman. Mind you that all that time I was single and searching for that one woman that would be the one with which I would spend the rest of my life with. 2 1/2 or 3 years in I really can't recall the night that my friend Whipple and I were having one our in-depth talks. I can remember vividly talking about my disdain that I had yet to find the one that I was to spend the rest of my life with. I recall vehemently expressing my disgust at the false notion that I felt that everyone around me was finding success with regard to relationships when all I could find was rejection and "lets just be friends". Mind you actual attempts at "love" and relationships were few and far between but the ones that were attempted ended in the aforementioned results.
It was during one of these talks that Whipple suggested that I listen to a song that at the time had just recently been recorded and released by Derek Webb a song called "Wedding Dress" I listened to it and thought how cute its talk about a man and wife. How sadly was I wrong, only to after many years of listening to and falling in love with the tune, and actually learning how to play it recently did I finally discover and realize the truth & significance behind it.
What my friend was so wisely trying to show me is to view and have Jesus Christ as the ultimate lover of my soul before anything else. As it is referred to in the song and as Derek explains on another album called the "The House Show" because of my unbelief in the gospel, the word that Christ saves me and also says that God will provide for me in every facet of my life I would seek to be woo(ed) by lovers less wild attempting to substitute them or whatever it was for Christ. So first I should make Christ the center of my life and then other things would follow as blessing from the Lord.
I can say now more than ever and without any doubt that I finally have Christ in view as the ultimate and wildest lover of my soul.
Thank you Adam for starting me on the long journey so many moons ago. I'm finally walking with Christ in the right way.
It was during one of these talks that Whipple suggested that I listen to a song that at the time had just recently been recorded and released by Derek Webb a song called "Wedding Dress" I listened to it and thought how cute its talk about a man and wife. How sadly was I wrong, only to after many years of listening to and falling in love with the tune, and actually learning how to play it recently did I finally discover and realize the truth & significance behind it.
What my friend was so wisely trying to show me is to view and have Jesus Christ as the ultimate lover of my soul before anything else. As it is referred to in the song and as Derek explains on another album called the "The House Show" because of my unbelief in the gospel, the word that Christ saves me and also says that God will provide for me in every facet of my life I would seek to be woo(ed) by lovers less wild attempting to substitute them or whatever it was for Christ. So first I should make Christ the center of my life and then other things would follow as blessing from the Lord.
I can say now more than ever and without any doubt that I finally have Christ in view as the ultimate and wildest lover of my soul.
Thank you Adam for starting me on the long journey so many moons ago. I'm finally walking with Christ in the right way.
Derek Webb,
THe House Show,
Walk w/ Christ,
Wedding Dress
Saturday, February 09, 2008
A Charge For Daily Encouragement
The source of this post comes straight from my time with"The Word and The Father" of all places...
I've being reading steadily through books of the bible as of late. I read from both the OT and NT more or less just I just pick something that I'm really interested in or really want to read. I started with the Psalms for my OT book and have been reading 2 a day. The psalms are awesome such a sweet picture of our savior is captured between the pages. Meanwhile for my NT book I started with a Pauline epistle of Galatians and was just reminded that Christ is set us free and in Christ we are free so why on earth would we want to return to the yoke of slavery that is check-list Christianity. Which in fact if you think about it, it's not Christianity but rather legalism.
I've been reading as late last week through the book of Hebrews which is yet another awesome book. The gospel; the good news of the redemption that is in Christ so apparent in the book it has blessed me so much. To know that Christ himself is so much more able to help me when I am struggling against temptation cause he himself was tempted and yet without sinning.
But, all that to say I read over very significant thing about what it means that we are the body of Christ and we should be involved in each other's lives on a daily basis. Its come from Hebrews 3.12&13
"Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart leading you to fall away from God. But, exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today" that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." (ESV)
The writer here is clearly calling its audience to daily encouragement and involvement in the lives of fellow believers. Sin is very deceitful. It can really mess you up. It can lead you into places and states of mind that are really hard to get back from. However with "daily" encouragement and accountability on is able to become and strong weapon for the cause of Christ.
The best thing that you can do is to surround yourself with good, rock-solid friends who are sure to keep you on the straight and narrow.
I've being reading steadily through books of the bible as of late. I read from both the OT and NT more or less just I just pick something that I'm really interested in or really want to read. I started with the Psalms for my OT book and have been reading 2 a day. The psalms are awesome such a sweet picture of our savior is captured between the pages. Meanwhile for my NT book I started with a Pauline epistle of Galatians and was just reminded that Christ is set us free and in Christ we are free so why on earth would we want to return to the yoke of slavery that is check-list Christianity. Which in fact if you think about it, it's not Christianity but rather legalism.
I've been reading as late last week through the book of Hebrews which is yet another awesome book. The gospel; the good news of the redemption that is in Christ so apparent in the book it has blessed me so much. To know that Christ himself is so much more able to help me when I am struggling against temptation cause he himself was tempted and yet without sinning.
But, all that to say I read over very significant thing about what it means that we are the body of Christ and we should be involved in each other's lives on a daily basis. Its come from Hebrews 3.12&13
"Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart leading you to fall away from God. But, exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today" that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." (ESV)
The writer here is clearly calling its audience to daily encouragement and involvement in the lives of fellow believers. Sin is very deceitful. It can really mess you up. It can lead you into places and states of mind that are really hard to get back from. However with "daily" encouragement and accountability on is able to become and strong weapon for the cause of Christ.
The best thing that you can do is to surround yourself with good, rock-solid friends who are sure to keep you on the straight and narrow.
bible study,
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Get LOST buddy
Well the moment that all us LOST fans have been waiting for is here. The first episode of season 4 is almost upon us. Finally we'll start making progress towards getting questions answered: Who's on the other end of the Satellite phone?, Who or what is Jacob?, What's Walt doing back?, How is it that Locke is not dead after being shot by Ben?, Did Charlie in fact die?(he can hold his breath for long time if you remember)
The only unfortunate thing is that I'll have to catch on ABC.com video player cause my duties @ UPS prevent me from watching any Prime Time television, in other words I miss all the good shows even the news for crying out loud; I guess that's where reading a newspaper comes in handy.
I had myself a "Come to Jesus meeting" early last week in which the Holy Spirit really got a hold of me, finally getting my attention( in an Apostle Paul/Damascus Rd way) about my attitude towards schoolwork, reading, studying. Those of you who are really close to me know the story behind all this. Those of you who would like to know feel free to e-mail me and I'll be glad to fill you in. May God get the glory in all this including my sincere change of attitude, repentance, and study habits. The ministry and training for that are both two serious issues not to be taken or entered into lightly. That was just one of things that the Holy Spirit made very apparent to me.
In all of this I am most thankful for the unconditional grace and mercy that was bought for me through Christ's sacrifice, as well as my rock-solid friends (you know who you are) that were there to talk things out and pray with me @ a moment's notice.
The only unfortunate thing is that I'll have to catch on ABC.com video player cause my duties @ UPS prevent me from watching any Prime Time television, in other words I miss all the good shows even the news for crying out loud; I guess that's where reading a newspaper comes in handy.
I had myself a "Come to Jesus meeting" early last week in which the Holy Spirit really got a hold of me, finally getting my attention( in an Apostle Paul/Damascus Rd way) about my attitude towards schoolwork, reading, studying. Those of you who are really close to me know the story behind all this. Those of you who would like to know feel free to e-mail me and I'll be glad to fill you in. May God get the glory in all this including my sincere change of attitude, repentance, and study habits. The ministry and training for that are both two serious issues not to be taken or entered into lightly. That was just one of things that the Holy Spirit made very apparent to me.
In all of this I am most thankful for the unconditional grace and mercy that was bought for me through Christ's sacrifice, as well as my rock-solid friends (you know who you are) that were there to talk things out and pray with me @ a moment's notice.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Late Night Marketing
Up late because I can't sleep or I just can't seem to get all the college student knocked out of my system. Anyways, all that said to mention that I find commercials are apparently geared to the people who are turning on the TV after getting it on and extremely overweight individuals. One commercial after another for natural male enhancement and ads for fat burners. What has this world come to.
Celebration of Discipline has been great thus far. I've been reading through slowly for couple of reasons: 1. I'm A.D.D. (seriously) I have trouble sitting in one spot for an extended period of time and doing something requires me to sit still. 2. I'm reading it slowly to garner all that I can. I must confess more emphasis must be placed upon reason #1
I am garnering a lot thus far. It was very refreshing to read the chapter on the "Discipline of Prayer" and be reminded that all too often are prayers can become all too selfish. We pray asking know what God's will is for "our" lives. I've come to understand that God will work his will and purpose irregardless of us, and that our prayers should be more along the lines of Let God's will be done and give me the privilege of being apart of what you are doing.
As for being apart of God's Will: I have possibly the amazing opportunity laid before me of going to East Asia to work on a college campus teaching English( I'm guessing conversational). I've always had a desire for short-term missions and my yes for long term has always been on the table. Essentially if God's calls me I'll go. Please all of you who read this be praying for sense of confirmation that I am to go. As well as the money that a trip of this magnitude requires.
There have been a lot of thing happening lately, Classes start back up this Thursday so I will be buckle your hat on time
But I promise to keep up to date with fresh fodder atleast one if not more post(s) a week.
Celebration of Discipline has been great thus far. I've been reading through slowly for couple of reasons: 1. I'm A.D.D. (seriously) I have trouble sitting in one spot for an extended period of time and doing something requires me to sit still. 2. I'm reading it slowly to garner all that I can. I must confess more emphasis must be placed upon reason #1
I am garnering a lot thus far. It was very refreshing to read the chapter on the "Discipline of Prayer" and be reminded that all too often are prayers can become all too selfish. We pray asking know what God's will is for "our" lives. I've come to understand that God will work his will and purpose irregardless of us, and that our prayers should be more along the lines of Let God's will be done and give me the privilege of being apart of what you are doing.
As for being apart of God's Will: I have possibly the amazing opportunity laid before me of going to East Asia to work on a college campus teaching English( I'm guessing conversational). I've always had a desire for short-term missions and my yes for long term has always been on the table. Essentially if God's calls me I'll go. Please all of you who read this be praying for sense of confirmation that I am to go. As well as the money that a trip of this magnitude requires.
There have been a lot of thing happening lately, Classes start back up this Thursday so I will be buckle your hat on time
But I promise to keep up to date with fresh fodder atleast one if not more post(s) a week.
celebration of discipline,
east Asia,
God's will
Monday, January 07, 2008
Gone the way of the Dodo
Well as I planned I was back at running and working out this morning. It didn't take long for me to realize that if you don't keep at a weight loss/exercise plan the endurance you've built gradually decides to go on vacation.
On the reading front I've not even finished the 2nd chapter yet and I've already been hit my the mack truck of truth that is contained with the pages of "Celebration of Discipline" . I've already been able to identify myself within pages. Foster talks about how we often deal with slavery of ingrained sin. Foster says, "We launch a frontal attack....We rely on our willpower determination.....the struggle is all in vain and we again find ourselves once again morally bankrupt.
As Emmet Fox is quoted, "As soon as you resist mentally to a undesirable or unwanted circumstance you thereby endow it with more power...power with which it will use against you" once you've depleted the strength of your determination.
It makes sense that a person shouldn't be able to resist sin on his own just like attaining salvation by oneself....simply impossible without the help of Jesus Christ's sacrifice through the leading of the Holy Spirit.
On the reading front I've not even finished the 2nd chapter yet and I've already been hit my the mack truck of truth that is contained with the pages of "Celebration of Discipline" . I've already been able to identify myself within pages. Foster talks about how we often deal with slavery of ingrained sin. Foster says, "We launch a frontal attack....We rely on our willpower determination.....the struggle is all in vain and we again find ourselves once again morally bankrupt.
As Emmet Fox is quoted, "As soon as you resist mentally to a undesirable or unwanted circumstance you thereby endow it with more power...power with which it will use against you" once you've depleted the strength of your determination.
It makes sense that a person shouldn't be able to resist sin on his own just like attaining salvation by oneself....simply impossible without the help of Jesus Christ's sacrifice through the leading of the Holy Spirit.
celebration of discipline,
weight loss
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Late Nights, Crazy Things

I tend to do crazy things when I stay up late at night. like writing on this joker, most of my entries tend to be late at night way past 12:00 in the AM.
Well I can remember one of my goals that I made for 2007 and that goal was to read more. Well except for school; I would say that I didn't accomplish that goal. Well as Martin Luther (reformer) said, "Here I stand." I'm renewing that goal this year and hope achieve and surpass the goal.
For some strange reason (we'll just brag on the Holy Spirit) I feel impressed to pick the the Celebration of Discipline up again which I pseudo-read @ Carson Newman for Spiritual Growth and Development.
I also would have to extend "big ups" to Feldman his cooperative study made refreshed Foster's work and my need to read it again.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Bowl Mania
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