Up late because I can't sleep or I just can't seem to get all the college student knocked out of my system. Anyways, all that said to mention that I find commercials are apparently geared to the people who are turning on the TV after getting it on and extremely overweight individuals. One commercial after another for natural male enhancement and ads for fat burners. What has this world come to.
Celebration of Discipline has been great thus far. I've been reading through slowly for couple of reasons: 1. I'm A.D.D. (seriously) I have trouble sitting in one spot for an extended period of time and doing something requires me to sit still. 2. I'm reading it slowly to garner all that I can. I must confess more emphasis must be placed upon reason #1
I am garnering a lot thus far. It was very refreshing to read the chapter on the "Discipline of Prayer" and be reminded that all too often are prayers can become all too selfish. We pray asking know what God's will is for "our" lives. I've come to understand that God will work his will and purpose irregardless of us, and that our prayers should be more along the lines of Let God's will be done and give me the privilege of being apart of what you are doing.
As for being apart of God's Will: I have possibly the amazing opportunity laid before me of going to East Asia to work on a college campus teaching English( I'm guessing conversational). I've always had a desire for short-term missions and my yes for long term has always been on the table. Essentially if God's calls me I'll go. Please all of you who read this be praying for sense of confirmation that I am to go. As well as the money that a trip of this magnitude requires.
There have been a lot of thing happening lately, Classes start back up this Thursday so I will be buckle your hat on time
But I promise to keep up to date with fresh fodder atleast one if not more post(s) a week.
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