With such titles as Your Best Life Now, and Become A Better You Which preach of a Gospel of "Think happy thoughts and you and Jesus will be best buddies and everything will be alright" It's wonder why so many us are and get discouraged from time to time. (But, why I thought that if I thought good, positive thoughts about my faith that I would be secure and life will be easy).(I know I'm picking on a single individual here but it's so easy sometimes, and if I'm wrong let be proven so)
*Snap Back to Reality* (for all you Slim Shady fans)
The almighty inspired word of God doesn't refer to this life as a "fight of faith"(1 Tim 6:12) and mentions the likes of armor such as shield of faith, and helmet of salvation (Ephesians 6:16-17a) Just for kicks. The Christian life is not easy I know the more advance theologians in my particular part of the blogosphere would say something along the lines of "Elementary my dear Lucas" but I speak of these things only because of recent experience. I've recently been seeking the face of God and asking him to show me my heart and the deepest and darkest parts of it. Asking him to reveal any sin that I might still be harboring within. He did not fail in doing so. But at the same time the Enemy was working double time and vigorously at that to try and convince me that the conviction that the Holy Spirit was bringing about was no big deal.
In the end it was my desire to be right fellowship and once again on the straight and narrow path led to to repentance, confession and forgiveness and grace.
The Christian Life is a fight but you are not helpless in this war against the enemy and unbelief
-just word of encouragement from my own life this early A.M.
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