So after working the past 6 days @ Marble Slab I thought I had the weekend to rest and relax only to come down with a stomach bug early Saturday morning. So that the proverbial batteries were drained even farther fighting the bug off. Come Sunday I was feeling better didn't make it to church which I'm starting to do more often as of late and I really don't like the pattern I'm falling into so come blizzard or high water this sunday I will still be there. I love my pastor I love hearing him preach and I hate it when I miss. I think the enemy makes our bed's feel "oh so warmer" and "oh so comfortable" on purpose.
So which brings me to present day and current week I had pleasant time at work. It took us almost 2 hours to close tonight but the close was done effectively and thoroughly. Here as of late I've been laxed in my closing duties and its caught up with me so I've righted sails and have set course to be thorough with my closing duties.
Carson Newman's winter graduation is fastly approaching and with will bring the graduation of one of my dearest friend's Rick will be graduating I'm so happy for him. For person of his age set a goal of coming back and finishing/getting his college degree is awesome.
cause I know someone special will be reading this I put this pic in just for her
Lots of Love Katie Vance

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