The hustle and bustle of the Christmas is over and I've finally made it to a point where I can write. 2005 saw many things happen one of the major things was my graduation from Carson-Newman of which I'm very proud. I've held many jobs over this past year working for Fed-Ex and my first experience in the restaurant biz both were good jobs but they ended up being a drag and I dreaded going. Which brings me to most current and present job working for Marble Slab the pay is adequate for right now but overall the atmosphere and the guy I work for is the best part of the job and this is the first job that I can say that I don't dread going to work each day that I have to. Well that's a brief summation of my 2005.
Now its on to 2006 what it has to bring remains to be seen. A few things that lie on the horizon are the beginning of the my school loan repayment of which I'm not looking forward to. Also not too far off and will be here before I know it will be my transition from college graduate to the life of a seminarian. I would ask those of you who read this to be in prayer for me as seminary and my move to North Carolina approach. I've always been a real home-body and something as drastic and as a 8 1/2 to 9 hour move away from home scares me to death at this point. I know God is the Great Provider and will see that I'm taken care of, but of course your prayers on this subject are indeed and greatly welcome.
hope everyone is well and had a great Christmas and best wishes to you all in the New Year.
grace and peace to you all <><
This Blog will be my personal monologue of my thoughts feelings and experiences whenever the inspiration strikes feel free to join in on the conversation. Little bit about me, my name is Jared Lucas and I'm a 29 year old graduate of Carson-Newman College. I currently reside in West Columbia, SC with my wife Katie. I am in my last year of my MDIV in Christian Ministry at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
As life roars on...I stand idlely by.
Wow! First off let me just say that this year has flown by, but it seems that I'm starting to say that more and more as I grow old. Yet another reality check that I am in fact "Getting Older."
So after working the past 6 days @ Marble Slab I thought I had the weekend to rest and relax only to come down with a stomach bug early Saturday morning. So that the proverbial batteries were drained even farther fighting the bug off. Come Sunday I was feeling better didn't make it to church which I'm starting to do more often as of late and I really don't like the pattern I'm falling into so come blizzard or high water this sunday I will still be there. I love my pastor I love hearing him preach and I hate it when I miss. I think the enemy makes our bed's feel "oh so warmer" and "oh so comfortable" on purpose.
So which brings me to present day and current week I had pleasant time at work. It took us almost 2 hours to close tonight but the close was done effectively and thoroughly. Here as of late I've been laxed in my closing duties and its caught up with me so I've righted sails and have set course to be thorough with my closing duties.
Carson Newman's winter graduation is fastly approaching and with will bring the graduation of one of my dearest friend's Rick will be graduating I'm so happy for him. For person of his age set a goal of coming back and finishing/getting his college degree is awesome.
cause I know someone special will be reading this I put this pic in just for her
Lots of Love Katie Vance

So after working the past 6 days @ Marble Slab I thought I had the weekend to rest and relax only to come down with a stomach bug early Saturday morning. So that the proverbial batteries were drained even farther fighting the bug off. Come Sunday I was feeling better didn't make it to church which I'm starting to do more often as of late and I really don't like the pattern I'm falling into so come blizzard or high water this sunday I will still be there. I love my pastor I love hearing him preach and I hate it when I miss. I think the enemy makes our bed's feel "oh so warmer" and "oh so comfortable" on purpose.
So which brings me to present day and current week I had pleasant time at work. It took us almost 2 hours to close tonight but the close was done effectively and thoroughly. Here as of late I've been laxed in my closing duties and its caught up with me so I've righted sails and have set course to be thorough with my closing duties.
Carson Newman's winter graduation is fastly approaching and with will bring the graduation of one of my dearest friend's Rick will be graduating I'm so happy for him. For person of his age set a goal of coming back and finishing/getting his college degree is awesome.
cause I know someone special will be reading this I put this pic in just for her
Lots of Love Katie Vance

Thursday, December 01, 2005
Grinding It Out
Again I managed to dropp off the edge of the earth into the "No posting Vortex" well I finally escaped the proverbial prison and I'm attempting to post something logical and coherent. For the most part I've been physically drained. I've been working for the past 6 days straight since the day after Thanksgiving. Speaking of Thanksgiving I had a wonderful time sharing the traditional meal with my family.
Christmas music is now become permanantly engrained in my head cause we have satelite radio at work so christmas music is now on loop play and the unfortunate part is that there are not that many christmas songs. So I hear "Walking in a Winter Wonderland and "Silver Bells" done by 4 different artists within and given 3 hour period its crazy....madening to a point.
well in my travels through the vast space known as the internet I stumbled upon a good video as of sorts.
For all you Trans-Siberian Orchestra fans I present the following.
Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Wizards in Winter
Grace and Peace to you All.
Christmas music is now become permanantly engrained in my head cause we have satelite radio at work so christmas music is now on loop play and the unfortunate part is that there are not that many christmas songs. So I hear "Walking in a Winter Wonderland and "Silver Bells" done by 4 different artists within and given 3 hour period its crazy....madening to a point.
well in my travels through the vast space known as the internet I stumbled upon a good video as of sorts.
For all you Trans-Siberian Orchestra fans I present the following.
Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Wizards in Winter
Grace and Peace to you All.
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