just one of the many words that come to mind when I reflect on what God did at FBC Mo'town's Disciple Now. Not just FBC but it included Manley Baptist, Alpha Baptist, and Buffalo Trail Baptist. Our speaker was
Clayton King he was just phenomenal and our worship was lead by ninth hour a group of guys that I've gotten to know real well being an intern really has its perks. I had the privilege of kinda kicking off the D-Now leading worship on Wednesday night it was just rocking it seemed that the band and I hit every note and every chord right and it was just awesome.
Enough about that the really awesome part about the whole weekend we saw collectively from the aforementioned churches 32 kids make decisions for Christ, and a number of students answer a call into the ministry.
My friend Jayme comes to CNC in 16 days bit
w00t for that really looking forward to spending some time with her it been far to long since I've seen her.Those of you that read this blog with frequency I got yet another prayer request for you all to add to your list. My request is that the spirit and fire that was lit in the hearts of the students of FBC Mo'town will not dwindle and die.
WAY TO GO HEELS!!!!! #1 Seed in the Syracuse Region HEELS ALL THE WAY