The inspiration for this submission comes from a phone conversation I had over the weekend....
This week for Christians is at times referred to "Passion Week" the week and events of that week leading up to the arrest, crucifixion, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The gist of the conversation ended up focusing one's particular attitude of the heart. The great work by Mel Gibson "The Passion of Christ" is by far one of Hollywood's best and most realistic portrayals, but still falls short I believe that our Lord endured and suffered serving as our substitute.
The comment was made that, "How can someone say that this movie(The Passion) could and can be someone's favorite movie??" My response was simply its one of my favorites, the response was "how can you say that?", for the reasons I stated above I said, "because it captures as best as Hollywood can the savagery and brutality that Christ suffered for me."
The comment was followed by, "Well I can't watch something like because it breaks my heart to watch the portrayal of Christ get beat like that." My response to this was why does it break your heart?"