Thursday, June 21, 2007

5 Things I Dig About Jesus

So Adam Whipple has tagged me into this thing. I hope you will be able to participate and keep the fun going.

1. Those tagged will share 5 things they dig about Jesus.
2. Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers.
3. Those tagged will provide a link in the comments section here of their post so that others can read them.

Here goes.

1. Jesus still went to the Cross knowing how many time I would still turn my back on him in rebellion of the flesh. What a mighty love that is.

2. He is that small voice constantly telling and reminding me that he is in control.

3. That he is not a white middle class republican* for most this is the picture of what it means to be a true faith walking Christian.

4. That he is faithful to me inspite of faithlessness

5. He loved to fish...I like to fish!!!!!

The next five victims....erh I mean contestants are:

Scott Guthrie
Natalie Justice
Evan Higgenbotham
Andy Witt
Josh Woodall

those of you I've tagged feel free to post your digs wherever you call home(facebook, myspace,blogger, or xang) or as comment on my site.

lets keep this going.

Monday, June 18, 2007

An Exit of sorts

Well today I submit this for thought, We the students here are Southeastern received a note from the President in which he gave a summary of the events that took place at this year's Southern Baptist Convention. It was in this note that he express concern at the fact that the attendance was small and "well advanced" in years.

Well I'd like to think that I'm concerned about where we are going as Baptist's however my financial obligations do not allow me to drop all and just go week without working and income from working. The fact that this year's convention was in San Antonio, TX was another major factor.

The title describes where I am in my employment opportunities. I was in Blockbuster last night and I saw where they were hiring. I'm looking for an extra job to earn extra income and actually saved instead of living month to month. Well I took the 45 minutes today that it takes to complete the blockbuster application. Much to my surprise I received a call today and discussed at length about the possibility of a F/T management position. So with this new development my exit from UPS might be imminent. We'll see what happens.

Grace, Peace, and Earl Grey to you All......

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Reliant Upon the Sometimes Unreliable

I was amazed and found humor in the concept that we as a culture are at times so dependent on technology be it a computer, a cell phone, or laptop whatever the case may be when those things cease to function we can feel like and Pirate with a termite infested peg-leg.

This was my experience this past Wednesday, Thursday, and part of Friday. I'm a seminary student so money is tight so I'm unable to afford the cost of an actual phone line in my apartment so a cell phone is my only means of communication and contact with the exception of e-mail. Well My phone decided late Wednesday night that it didn't want to work anymore. I was unable to make any sort of phone call I ended up having to borrow my roommate's phone to talk to Cingular/AT&T customer service about insurance* and replacing my phone.

* I'm really thankful that I got insurance on my phone....initially when I setup my account I almost decided to fore go the extra cost.

Friday, June 08, 2007

An Accurate Reflection

Greetings to all in the blogsphere, first off I hope everyone is doing well as for me it is finally summer. A time to relax kick back and read a few books here and there, as well as do some fishing and other stuff.

As for the reading part I'm steadily moving through John Piper's Future Grace just six chapters in and I've already been confronted with some great biblical truth. About how we are to live in the grace that Christ lavishes upon us. We should always be careful not to feel as though we can ever repay God back for the grace that he gives us because the day that happens grace stops being grace.

that's a little preview more to come later in the review

The title of my entry has to do with situation at work tonight. Last sunday I asked my small group fellowship to please be in prayer for me that my attitude would always be a an "accurate reflection" of what Christ has called us to be in the workplace as well as everyday life. Tonight was a rough night we had the minimum amount of people there to operate our part of the sort(I work @ UPS). So needless to say the supervisors were asking a lot of all of us tonight. It came down to the end of the night and I was told that if certain task wasn't done at the end of the night I wasn't going to be allowed to leave until it was done. It was at this point that lost it a little bit and said that my responsibility was to my section first then whatever else is needed.

Long and the short of it was was rude and disrespectful to my supervisor. it was then that a lady working next to me asked me if I was allowed to get away with that. At first I was like uh that's the norm around here. She then proceeded to draw my attention to the fact that I had been disrespectful and rude.

So all in all it was a very humbling experience. I'm thankful that there are still Christians who have to courage to call one another out when they observe a fellow member of the body acting in a way they shouldn't.